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P6791 Physical Education

  • 6400 Curriculum
P6791 Physical Education

Physical Education is that phase of the general educational program that contributes, primarily through movement experiences, to the total growth and development of each child. Motor Skill development and fitness education are the basis for standards-based Physical Education. 

Physical Education is a curriculum requirement in grades K-5. At the middle school level, students must have one semester of classes or two semesters of classes every other day. At the high school level, one semester of physical education and one semester of health is required for high school graduation. Upon completion of the middle school and high school requirements, physical education may be taken as an elective class. 

Administrative Implemental Procedures: 

  1. The Department of Physical Education provides consultative services in working with school personnel to maintain a sound program. 

  1. The goals and objectives of the program are outlined in physical education curriculum guides for each level, based on a pre-K through 12 standards and benchmarks. 

  1. At all levels and in all activities, the overall program will comply with appropriate federal mandates. 

  1. The regular teacher of all physical education classes shall be licensed to teach physical education. In the absence of the regular teacher, a substitute teacher may be assigned. 

  1. The elementary school program should concentrate on fundamental movement, motor skills, social skills, and beginning fitness concepts based on district standards and benchmarks. A minimum of 90 minutes (60 minutes for half-day kindergarten) per week is recommended. 

  1. The middle school program should provide for personal wellness choices involving health, sports, games, and physical fitness activities based on district standards and benchmarks. 

  1. High school physical education should concentrate on activities that provide students with the knowledge and skills to enjoy a physically active, healthy lifestyle based on district standards and benchmarks. 

  1. Students may be excused on a limited basis from particular preplanned daily physical education activity or segment of the program. 

    1. Notes written by the parent requesting the student be excused for a brief period of time for such reasons as illness, injury, medical or dental treatment will be honored. 

    2. Long term requests to be excused from physical education for such reasons as broken bones, disease, or postoperative recuperation must be in writing and signed by proper medical authority. 

    3. Upon written request of parents, students may be excused from the physical education program where participation violates religious beliefs. 

    4. The school principal or appropriate designee shall be responsible for assessing and acting upon any special requests to be excused from segments of the established program. 

  2. Each school has a yearly budgetary allocation for the purchase of equipment and supplies. 

  1. The elementary physical education weekly time allotments are outlined in BOE Policy 6317 - Elementary Time Allotments. Middle school allotments are one class period based on site schedules. Class periods in grades 9 through 12 shall be in accordance with regulations as prescribed in the Kansas State Department of Education booklet of Accreditation Regulations. 

  1. To ensure safety and maximum participation, refer to BOE Policy 1221 - Class Size, Numerical Standards – Secondary, and BOE Policy 1229 - Class Size, Numerical Standards - Elementary, for recommended maximum class sizes. 

  1. Physical activity should not be routinely used (i.e., running laps, pushups) or withheld (i.e. recess, physical education class) as a consequence. 


Administrative Responsibility: Learning Services 

Latest Revision Date: January 2024 

Previous Revision Date: November 2019 P6791 

Updated administratively for alignment purposes: March 2021 

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