P6887 Safety on Stages
- 6400 Curriculum
Established safety and operational procedures, rules, and regulations will be observed in all activities using school stages and stage equipment.
Administrative Implemental Procedures:
Teachers will instruct students about the need for proper attitudes and in good safety practices regarding the usage of a stage and stage equipment. A test will be issued to each student enrolled in drama, stagecraft, or drama club. The completed copy is kept on file and is signed by the student.
Students will operate stage equipment only under qualified adult supervision.
Lights, props, etc., will not be added to or removed from battens and/or pipes without proper counterbalance. Any changes in the weight of the batten load or the counterweight will be made only by contracted licensed professional theatrical service employees. Expenses incurred to hire changes will be a portion of drama or music production costs.
Only Facilities personnel will permanently remove weights.
Adjustments to cables, ropes, etc., will not be made by students or certificated personnel. Only Facilities personnel will make needed changes.
Equipment that is defective, worn, or in need of repair will be reported to the principal. The principal will establish procedures for communicating the information to the Facilities Department.
Prohibition of the use of open flames on stages, as well as other fire regulations, will be strictly adhered to by all personnel.
The use on stage of electrical equipment will be in accordance with all existing code regulations.
Overdeck or floor areas above the stage will be free of loose items which could be kicked or dropped to the stage floor, thus causing property damage or physical injury.
A stage area should not be used as a walkway from one side of the building to another location in the building or for general school storage.
Major alterations to a stage or stage equipment will be made only with consent of the principal.
Extreme care should be taken to protect stage curtains, floors, and permanent equipment when students and teachers paint props or other stage equipment. Only tempera paint may be used in the stage area. When oil or rubber base paints are used, they will be used and stored away from the stage area.
Facilities personnel will make an annual inspection of all stage equipment and repair or replace items whenever the need is brought to their attention.
Requests for assistance from the Facilities Department will be telephoned to the order desk.
Administrative Responsibility: Learning Services
Latest Revision Date: March 1999
Previous Revision Date: July 1993 P6887
Updated administratively for alignment purposes: April 2021