P6902 Child Development Centers
- 6900 Career and Technical Education
Child development centers will be operated at selected attendance centers. The centers will serve as childcare facilities for the children of enrolled students and district employees, as training laboratories for vocational students enrolled in occupational classes, and as observational experiences for high school students enrolled in parenting and child development classes. The centers will provide childcare to the children of enrolled USD 259 students first; secondly, to the children of district employees; and if any spaces remain, to children from the general community. Services in each center will be available for infants, toddlers, and preschool children in ratios, which will allow each center to maximize service to the children of students in pursuing their educational objectives.
Administrative Implemental Procedures:
Centers will comply with the licensing regulations of the Kansas Department of Health and Environment as required for unified school districts.
On a space available basis, where provided, services are available for infants (2 weeks to 18 months), toddlers (18 months to 2 1/2 years), and preschoolers (2 1/2 years to kindergarten age).
Expenditures for the program are handled through the 06 General Fund. Program costs are borne by the general fund as per the contract agreement.
Operational and fiscal management is the responsibility of the contracted service provider and designated district office administration and/or board approved agency.
Prior to admittance, the child’s lawful custodian must submit a pre-entrance health assessment from a licensed physician and a Kansas Certificate of Immunization and make application for Kansas Department for Children and Families Child Care Funding, if appropriate.
Applications for enrollment are completed at each individual site and are considered on an individual basis. The actual ratio of children of students to children of employees will vary, at each site depending on the total number of licensed spaces in all sites.
Once a child is enrolled and continuing requirements for attendance are met (health, age, etc.), the child has a reserved space in the center and will not be removed to admit another child, unless space is needed for a USD 259 student enrolled full time in USD 259 coursework to complete graduation requirements. Minimum notice of forty-five (45) days will be given to parent(s)/guardian of child/children to be unenrolled.
USD 259 students would make application for child care in the USD 259 Child Development Center a minimum of thirty (30) days prior to enrollment.
Administrative Responsibility: Secondary Education Office – Career and Technical Education
Latest Revision Date: September 2019
Previous Revision Date: May 2011 P6902
Updated administratively for alignment purposes: April 2021