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P7080 Participation in Funding Public Improvement Projects

  • 7000 Facilities
P7080 Participation in Funding Public Improvement Projects

The school district may choose to participate in funding public improvement projects, which enhance the safety and/or functional use of district-owned or adjacent publicly-owned property. Participation in funding such improvements shall be subject to the availability of funds, and limitations established by administrative implemental procedures.  

Administrative Implemental Procedures:  

  1. Public improvement projects, which affect district-owned or adjacent publicly-owned property, may be proposed by public agencies, citizens of the community through a formal petition process, or by school district administration. It shall be the responsibility of the Division Director of Facilities to conduct a preliminary review of all such projects and coordinate further action required of the district.  

  1. Where it is determined the project would improve the use of the property and benefit the district, the Division Director of Facilities will work through the appropriate agencies to determine the best course of action; establish scope, budget and funding responsibilities; develop design documents; and execute the work. 

  1. If the public improvement work will impact residential and/or commercial landowners in the area, the Division Director of Facilities will initiate a formal petition drive in an attempt to secure approval by the majority of affected landowners prior to proceeding with the work. 

  1. If a formal response becomes necessary on a proposed or planned public improvement work, the Division Director of Facilities shall respond via written communication or public hearing.  

  1. If the Board of Education is asked to sign a citizen petition in support of a public improvement project affecting district-owned or publicly-owned property, the Division Director of Facilities shall be responsible for the following:  

    1. The benefit to the district in terms of safety or improved functional use of the property shall be determined.  

    2. The position of the majority of the landowners affected by the petition shall be determined.  

    3. If the project will benefit the district, and is supported by a majority of the landowners, then it will be recommended the Board of Education approve signing the petition, subject to the availability of funding.  

    4. If the project will benefit the district, but does not have support of the majority of affected landowners, then the extent to which the project will benefit the district will determine the ultimate recommendation to the Board of Education.  

    5. If it is determined the project will not benefit the district, then the recommendation to support the project will be made only if all other affected landowners support the project.  

    6. If, for any reason, it is determined the proposed project will be detrimental to the district, then the project shall be opposed through written communication with the governing agency and by appearance at applicable public hearings.  

  2. Once a public improvement project is adopted for implementation by the governing body having jurisdiction, the Division Director of Facilities and the Chief Financial Officer shall determine the method of funding and shall include such funding requirements in future budget planning.  

Administrative Responsibility: Superintendent or designee  

Latest Revision Date: July 2022 

Previous Revision Date: February 2017 P7080  

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