P7105 Private Funding of Building and Site Improvements
- 7100 Building Program
The Board of Education will permit school building and site improvements to be financed by contributions from private sources subject to limitations listed below.
Administrative Implemental Procedures:
Complete information concerning the nature of the building or site improvement proposed must be submitted to the Division Director of Facilities for prior approval.
Capital improvements may not be the type that requires long-term expenditures of public funds for maintenance and/or operation.
Approved projects will be planned and scheduled through the office of the Director of Design and Construction within the limitations of the available work hours. Specific procedures for outside funded projects, issued by the Facilities Division, are to be followed when requesting a project or other improvement that will be funded by an outside source.
All outside funded work to be done by private contractors will be bid in accordance with the provisions of BOE Policy 3303 – Determination of Competitive Bid and Proposal Award.
When the private funding source has deposited with the treasurer an amount of money sufficient to meet all financial obligations arising from the project, the project will be initiated in accordance with the project schedule.
For any work administered directly by building site personnel, a representative from the Facilities Division will be assigned as a consultant to the site. It shall be the responsibility of the building administrator to ensure that all applicable building and fire codes are complied with, and that all applicable Board Policies are followed. If required due to the nature of the project, the personnel or company performing the work must possess or secure any required licenses or certification, shall obtain all required permits and inspections through the applicable jurisdiction, and be on the USD 259 Approved Bidders List if applicable. The finished project shall be complete and functional, and shall not require supplemental installation or construction work to be performed by USD 259 personnel.
Memorials may be accepted provided the individual, group, or agency offering the memorial underwrites the full cost of the memorial, including installation charges.
The Division Director of Facilities or designee is responsible for approving the design and quality of work proposed for the memorial.
The memorial shall be unencumbered by restrictive covenants.
The memorial may be removed at any time by the administration.
In order to receive name recognition, funding of projects must be approved by the Board of Education.
Other fund-raising and donations are governed by the following Board policies: P1408 – Commercial or Proprietary Functions; P1409 – Employee Fund-Raising Campaigns; P1410 – Financial Campaigns and Money-Raising Projects; P1411 – WPS Gift Funds; and P1412 – Donations – Computer Technology, Equipment, Materials, and Supplies.
Administrative Responsibility: Superintendent or designee
Latest Revision Date: February 2019
Previous Revision Date: May 2017 P7105