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P7150 Architectural and Engineering Design Services

  • 7100 Building Program
P7150 Architectural and Engineering Design Services

Architectural and engineering services for Unified School District 259 shall be acquired through an administrative process of evaluating the capabilities of individuals and firms and relating job requirements to available professional services.  

Administrative Implemental Procedures:  

  1. Requirements for service within the school system:  

    1. The need to design a facility to accommodate an educational program or a system-wide supportive service  

    2. The need to design alterations or additions to an existing facility  

  2. Administrative practices to determine availability of professional design services:  

    1. When design services will be required by the district, preference will be given to qualified firms within the local metropolitan area.  Every design firm listed in the Wichita telephone directory will be sent a copy of the current Board of Education policy on design services.  At the same time, design firms will be requested to provide, if the firm is interested in providing design services for the Board of Education, current brochures and/or resumes describing the personnel, services, capabilities of the firm, and fee schedules.  

    2. The file of design firms interested in providing design services for the Board of Education will be maintained in the office of Design and Construction.  

    3. The Board of Education and administration will not consider a contract for design firms that do not submit requested information and materials.  

  3. Administrative considerations for the designation of a designer:  

    1. District’s previous experiences with a particular designer or firm:  

      1. Owner relationships  

      2. Interest demonstrated in District and in doing District schoolwork  

      3. Use of specialists for mechanical, electrical, and structural design as applicable 

      4. Ability to relate to general contractors and subcontractors  

      5. Thoroughness in construction administration services  

      6. Redesign or change-order experiences  

      7. Follow-up or corrective measures taken by a firm after completion of a project 

      8. Staff capacity and ability to meet deadlines 

    2. Type of firm:  

      1. Local or out-of-district firm 

      2. Size of the design firm  

      3. Different types of services a firm is capable of performing  

    3. Professional qualifications:

      1. Professional qualification of the designer(s)  

      2. Quality of work demonstrated in previously designed facilities  

      3. Ability of designated project designer 

      4. Membership in professional design organization(s)  

    4. Type of project or projects:  

      1. Totally new facility  

      2. Addition to existing facility  

      3. Renovation of an existing facility  

      4. Size, estimated cost, and complexity of the project  

      5. Fees 

  4. Procedures to follow in the employment of a designer:  

    1. The Superintendent or designee shall appoint a screening and selection committee.  This committee will study project requirements and review the administrative considerations for the designation of a designer set forth in administrative implemental procedure 3 above.  

    2. The committee will consult, as required, with outside entities that have experience working with the firms to secure opinions on their capabilities. 

    3. After initial screening, the committee will determine the best candidate(s) based on the size and scope of planned projects. The committee may elect to hold interviews with shortlisted firms to further evaluate the qualifications of their proposed team.  

    4. The designer selected will be recommended for appointment to the Board of Education.  

    5. The Board of Education will take official action to approve appointment(s). 

    6. Design services contract(s) with the Board of Education will be prepared and signed by appropriate parties.  


Administrative Responsibility: Superintendent or designee  

Latest Revision Date: July 2022 

Previous Revision Date: January 2009 P7150  

Updated administratively for alignment purposes: July 2022 

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