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P7175 Long-Term Lease or Rental of School District Facilities

  • 7100 Building Program
P7175 Long-Term Lease or Rental of School District Facilities

Real property owned by the Unified School District 259 and not currently being utilized for educational or operational purposes by the school district may be rented or leased to reliable community agencies, firms, or individuals. The Board of Education may designate an agent to negotiate terms and define conditions of lease agreements. 

Administrative Implemental Procedures: 

  1. Rent may consist of money, in-kind service, or a share of a product. Under certain circumstances, continued maintenance of a facility at a level acceptable to district supervisors may be the only consideration required. 

  1. The school district reserves the right to deny lease of property on the basis of projected use or the non-established ability of the user to meet the financial obligation. Established nonprofit or governmental agencies may be given preference as a lessee over business and industrial firms. Such considerations as the social good or community interest may be used as criteria for this determination. 

  1. All conditions of a lease must be expressed in a written agreement prepared by a legal counselor and approved by the Board Attorney and the Board of Education. 

  1. The term of the lease agreement may not extend beyond the end of the current fiscal year but may be extended in accordance with a renewal option included in the agreement. A provision included in the lease shall state that the agreement can be revoked by the school district with reasonable notice. 

  1. Each agreement shall clearly fix responsibility for management and for property maintenance to assure that the facility remains in good condition--free from safety and health hazards and in compliance with zoning and community environmental standards. 

  1. A facility may be used by multiple agencies provided the agreement is with a single agency which can show reasonable evidence of financial stability or responsibility. 

  1. The agreement shall clearly place responsibility for insurance and utility costs. Additionally, consideration shall be given to provisions for liability insurance or indemnity protection for the school district. 

  1. In the event that leased property is placed on the tax rolls subsequent to the date of the lease agreement, provisions in the agreement shall state that the tax payment (including special assessment) or an appropriate amount of the payment becomes the financial obligation of the lessee. 

  1. Lessee shall sign a nondiscriminatory statement and an equal opportunity employment form. 

Administrative Responsibility: Facilities Division 

Latest Revision Date: March 1999 

Previous Revision Date: August 1996 P7175 

Updated administratively for alignment purposes: February 2014 

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