Partners and Volunteers
We welcome volunteers into our schools from August through May each year. Volunteer opportunities including helping school office staff, reading with students, mentoring, helping with lunch or recess, and much more.
All individuals volunteering in a WPS school, including parents, are required to register as a volunteer every school year. This registration allows us to conduct a background check on all volunteers to ensure the safety of our students, staff and visitors. It also provides us the information needed to contact volunteers in the event of schedule changes or building closures.
If you already know how you want to help, our registration form will allow you to select the specific school or program with which you're volunteering. If you don't yet know where or how to help, you can still register as a volunteer! Our team will use the information you provide to identify potential schools that will welcome your support.
School-Based Volunteer Opportunities with Nonprofit Partners
Mentors prove that ordinary people can do extraordinary things. By spending time with students in schools, mentors are making a world of difference in the lives of young people throughout Wichita.
It's Fun
Mentoring is fun for both young people and adults. Volunteers can participate in a wide range of in-school activities, including sharing lunch with a student, reading to a student or class, sharing special talents or career interests, tutoring, or just being a good friend who listens.
It’s Flexible
Options for mentoring accommodate the busy schedules of today's volunteers:
- Volunteer with a group of students or one-to-one
- Choose the age groups you enjoy
- Select a school location close to home or work
- Volunteer for as little as one hour a week
It Makes the Difference
Studies show the presence of a positive adult role model in a young person's life:
- Builds confidence
- Encourages kids to set and achieve goals
- Helps young people succeed
Community Mentoring Programs
Several nonprofit organizations in the community provide mentoring opportunities to our students in the school setting. For structured mentoring relationships, exploring volunteer opportunities with these organizations is recommended.
Partnerships are mutually beneficial relationships between schools and the community that support students’ achievement. Partners help enrich the lives of students.
Partnerships are often instrumental in helping young people develop more positive attitudes towards school and academic achievement. Partnerships play a critical role in enhancing the learning environment for students by helping to ensure they receive the best education possible.
Positive relationships between businesses and schools are also a great way to help strengthen the connection between education, the workforce and the community.
If you are interested in having your company, organization, or congregation become a partner, please set up an appointment with Suzy Finn, Strategic Partnerships Supervisor.
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