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BOE approves revised Mission, Vision and Shared Beliefs as WPS works towards new strategic plan

BOE approves revised Mission, Vision and Shared Beliefs as WPS works towards new strategic plan

The Board of Education approved a revised Vision Statement during the September 11 meeting, and new Mission Statement and Shared Beliefs during their August 28 meeting.  These will drive development of the major goals for the 2024-29 strategic plan that will be presented to the BOE in November 2023.  The current strategic plan, along with the current mission, vision and shared beliefs will expire in December 2023.

Superintendent Kelly Bielefeld talks about the revised Mission, Vision and Shared Beliefs in his most recent 3 Questions with Kelly video. Click here to watch.

The new mission, vision, and shared beliefs were developed with a planning team, made up of 60 members from the school district, community members and business partners. They provided feedback and recommendations to Superintendent Kelly Bielefeld. 

The new mission, vision and shared beliefs build upon the district’s current work and will be phased in as we come to the conclusion of the current Strategic Plan. 


The Wichita Public Schools will be the premier district of choice, and inspire each student and staff member to thrive and become future ready within the greater community.


Wichita Public Schools prepares each student to achieve readiness for life, college and career through an innovative and impactful educational experience.

Shared Beliefs

Student Success 

  • Every student can learn, and they possess natural skills, abilities and talents.
  • Every student will have access to research-based, rigorous, culturally-relevant curriculum.
  • Every staff member will work to ensure every student learns.
  • High expectations are essential for success.

Safety and Belonging 

  • Everyone has worth and dignity and is treated with respect.
  • A safe, quality learning experience is essential for every child, every day, everywhere.

Family and Community Collaboration 

  • All staff, families, students and community partners are responsible for students’ academic, social and behavioral success.

Visionary Leadership 

  • Our culture will encourage innovation and taking risks.
  • Change is inevitable and necessary; our response is intentional.
  • Resources are allocated equitably and efficiently. 

Common Good 

  • Public education is the foundation of functional citizenship, financial well-being, and productive participation as a member of our society.
  • Wichita Public Schools reflects the proud tradition of public education in the Wichita community.

Equity and Diversity 

  • Our students have a richer experience because they learn in a diverse environment where the world walks in our hallways.
  • Every student is entitled to equitable opportunities, resources and services.

Click here to see a copy of the Aug. 28 BOE presentation.

Click here to watch the Aug. 28 BOE presentation about the mission and shared beliefs.

Click here to watch the  Sept. 11 adoption of the new vision statement.

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