Every Student Future Ready Strategic Plan
The Every Student Future Ready Strategic Plan reflects the commitment to provide students with the skills, knowledge and opportunities they need to thrive in a complex and ever-changing world. The Strategic Plan will guide the Wichita Public Schools’ efforts over the next five years.
The Strategic Plan has 3 Student Success Outcomes:
- Increase academic achievement and graduation rate
- Increase the graduation rate from 79.2% to 85% by May 2029
- Watch the Goal 1 explainer video
- Prepare students for life, college and career success
- The percentage of students earning five or more post-secondary assets, prior to graduation, will reach at least 50% by May 2029
- Watch the Goal 2 explainer video
- Create and enhance safety and belonging
- Increase the percentage of students that feel safe and connected to their school from 80.3% to 90% by May 2029
- Watch the Goal 3 explainer video
WPS student reading scores are making improvements, which is a focus of Goal 1. On the state reading assessments, students who were at the lowest level – Level 1 – decreased .6% to 5.9%, depending on the grade level, from the 22-23 to 23-24 school years. Elementary students are monitored throughout the school year on their reading proficiency through Fastbridge. From Spring 21 – Spring 24, Fastbridge scores have increased, with some increases as high as 31.5 percentage points.