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Student Board gives students voice

Student Board gives students voice

Student voice is important to district leaders and Superintendent Kelly Bielefeld has created a new way for high school students to become more involved in the district.

The Student Board, made up of four students from each WPS high school, gives students a voice and empowers them to lead the change they want to see. 

“For years in the district we’ve had a group that’s been an advisory board for the superintendent,” said Superintendent Bielefeld. “This year we’ve pivoted and created an actual student board with students from all across the district that come together once a month to solve problems that they see in their schools from academic success to classroom and community engagement. These students are the future leaders of our community and this hopefully gives them a sense of empowerment and the skills they’ll need to be leaders in the future.”

Three students have been selected to lead the Student Board: President Cohen Richardson, East High senior; Vice president Alexsis Barkus, South High senior; and Secretary Landon Hauschild, Northeast Magnet junior.

The Student Board focuses on four areas:

  • The Classroom and School Involvement Committee will focus on reversing the decline in participation in spirit days, pep assemblies and other school events.
  • The College and Career Readiness and Second Step Committee will focus on opportunities to help prepare students for life beyond high school, while also strengthening social-emotional learning through programs like Second Step. 
  • The Community Outreach Committee aims to build stronger connections between schools, families and community partners, ensuring that students will have an active role in outreach activities and volunteering.
  • The Academic Engagement Committee will concentrate on helping students excel academically by addressing the unique challenges they face in the classroom and within the learning environment.

Richardson, who has participated in the district’s superintendent student advisory council for the past three years, says the new format gives students a chance to affect change in their schools. 

“This is a significant shift in how students across WPS are represented and engaged in the decisions that affect them most,” said Richardson. “We aren’t sure how much change we’ll be able to get done this year, but we’re laying a foundation so change can happen next year and in the years to come.”

Dr. Christie Meyer, executive director of WPS secondary schools, who is helping lead the program, says the Student Board gives students the opportunity to help shape initiatives in the district. 

“This new structure gives students a direct role, not just in providing input, but shaping initiatives, policies and programs in real time,” said Meyer. “They’re taking ownership over a topic and having action items to make changes within their school, and ideally, the district.”

Once the Student Board has thoroughly accessed an initiative or program they’d like to create or improve, they will bring their recommendations to the WPS Board of Education for consideration.

“When you empower students to be leaders of not just tomorrow, but today, it makes a really big difference in our communities,” said Hauschild.

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