Department of Justice Agreement - Superintendent's Message to the Community

  • July 2024 - When I began my tenure as your superintendent one year ago, I was informed about an investigation by the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) that began in the spring of 2022. It centered on the use of seclusion and restraint practices, racial disparities in administration of school discipline, and racial disparities in law enforcement referrals. The DOJ has now concluded its investigation and on July 1, 2024, our Board of Education approved a settlement agreement with them. You can find the summary document, the full agreement, and an opportunity to submit questions you may have on this website.

    We can and must create a more equitable school district by changing some of our practices and procedures. The settlement agreement with the DOJ will end the use of seclusion, create a new Student Code of Conduct, and provide clarity and consistency for staff, students, caregivers and our community regarding disciplinary practices.


    We can and must create a more equitable school district by changing some of our practices and procedures. ~Superintendent Kelly Bielefeld

    Safe learning communities – for students and staff – will always be of the utmost importance. I believe strongly that they will also help us to provide the innovative and impactful educational experience that every student deserves. Together, we will continue to do and be better for our students.


    Kelly Bielefeld

    Superintendent of Schools


Last Modified on August 7, 2024