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  • The Visual Arts program is for students considering a career in the arts, students considering further art education in college, and students who may simply find an extended art program personally fulfilling. The program features unique opportunities at a level not available in other high schools.

    To earn an NEM Art Magnet Certificate students complete:logo

    • At least 6.5 Art credits including Art Survey, Drawing & Painting, Art History & Senior Art Project
    • Earn a 'C' or better in all art classes.
    • Four annual art projects
    • 25 total credits with a GPA of 2.5 or better.

     Student artists by mural installed at the Wichita's Habitat for Humanity Re-StoreSpecial Activities
    NEM students  have the opportunity to exhibit their work on a regular basis: MarkArts, Friends University, Bank of America, City Arts, Kansas Capital building and many local galleries. Students are also encouraged to enter local and national contests.

    NEM students produce several awards at the Kansas Scholastic Art Contest. NEM students have been recognized nationally in areas of computer art, painting, ceramics, and digital photography. Students have attended or are attending the Parsons School of Design in New York, the Kansas City Art Institute, Colorado and Rhode Island Institutes of Art. Many students are on scholarship at Wichita State University, Friends University and other state universities. The NEM art magnet even has the honor of a Gates Millennia Scholar. This scholarship from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation provides students full tuition and books thru doctorate degrees if the recipient wishes. 

    The Art Department has a host of very active partners including Wichita State University, Friends University, the Wichita Art Museum, Wichita Center for the Arts, the City of Wichita, other colleges and universities, and various practicing artists and art associations.


     * Student artists by mural installed at the Wichita's Habitat for Humanity Re-Store