Phone: 316-973-8904


Degrees and Certifications:

Ms. Farley


School Nurses are a wonderful resource for a variety of services such as nursing managing of health concerns, medication administration, medical and community referrals, student health counseling, facilitating dental screenings, monitoring for communicable diseases, monitoring immunization records, hearing and vision screenings, emergency care and health education.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me. Let’s have a healthy and safe school year!!

Helpful information

  • Immunizations Documentation: Immunizations are required for all students. We accept official valid immunization records.
  • Dental Care Card (pink form): When you child visits the dentist, ask them to complete the Dental Care Card and return it to the school nurse.
  • Health Examination Report (yellow form): When your child sees their health care provider for an exam, ask for the completion of the this form and return it to the school nurse.
  • Medication and/or Procedures or Treatments: School Nurses follow District Policies 5316 and 5317 to safely and legally administer medication and/or procedure(s) or treatment(s) at school. A health care provider and parents signature is required for procedures/treatments and ALL medications given at school—including over-the-counter and prescription medications. See the school nurse for the necessary forms.
  • Health Concerns: Contact me if your child has any health concerns such as asthma, allergies, seizures, mental health; diabetes, vision or hearing issues. Together we will develop a plan to provide appropriate care for your child at school.
  • Special Food Needs: Food options/choices are offered at school meals. However, if you child has a diagnosed health condition and may need a “Meal Modification”, the information and forms are available on the WPS website-Nutrition” or from the school nurse. Forms require a medical authority signature.
  • Illness at School: Keep your child home when they are ill. A student with a temperature of 100.4 or greater will be sent home. When an illness is suspected, your child will be sent home with or without a temperature of 100.4 if they have other symptoms. Cal the school office to report their school absence the next day. to speed the recovery of your child and prevent unnecessary illness to others, we request that students remain home until temperature is 100/4 or below for 24 hours without fever-reducing medication.
  • Communication Diseases: Please let me know if your child is diagnosed with any “communicable disease”—i.e. strep, chicken pox, ringworm, impetigo, fifth’s disease, head lice, pink eye or others. See Sedgwick County Health Department Communicable Disease Regulations for further details.
  • Emergency Phone Numbers: In the event we need to contact your for an emergent situation, it is very import to keep your contact phone information up to date throughout the school year.