- Lawrence Elementary
- Lawrence Directory
If you need to reach an individual in our school, please call the main office at 973-9900.
Last Name First Name Email Address Title Building Abbott Tina tabbott@usd259.net Psychologist-Elem Lawrence Elementary School Abitz Lynette labitz@usd259.net Fifth Grade Lawrence Elementary School Arambula Evangelina earambula@usd259.net Paraeducator Pre-K Lawrence Elementary School Baird Kity kbaird1@usd259.net Paraeducator Pre-K Lawrence Elementary School Burbach Olivia oburbach@usd259.net Fourth Grade Lawrence Elementary School Burrow Tristan tburrow@usd259.net Behavior Intervention-Elem-LIC Lawrence Elementary School Chrisman Cindy cchrisman@usd259.net Principal Lawrence Elementary School Chrisman Ashley achrisman1@usd259.net Third Grade Lawrence Elementary School Clark Janessa jclark12@usd259.net Third Grade Lawrence Elementary School Courter Melissa mcourter@usd259.net Counselor-Elem Lawrence Elementary School Cox Breanna bcox1@usd259.net Fourth Grade Lawrence Elementary School Crowell Claudia ccrowell@usd259.net Para Sped High Incidence Lawrence Elementary School Dodd Kelly kdodd@usd259.net Speech Clinic-Elem Lawrence Elementary School Dohlman Delta ddohlman@usd259.net Para Sped High Incidence Lawrence Elementary School Dohlman Jeffrey jdohlman@usd259.net Art Lawrence Elementary School Drouhard Linda ldrouhard1@usd259.net Para Title Instruction Support Lawrence Elementary School Dwyer Sara sdwyer@usd259.net Interrelated, Elem Lawrence Elementary School Elliott Danielle delliott1@usd259.net Vocal Music Lawrence Elementary School Elliott Laurie lelliott@usd259.net Prekindergarten Lawrence Elementary School Ellis Jason jellis@usd259.net Kindergarten-All Day Lawrence Elementary School Fargo Becky bfargo@usd259.net Reading Intervention-Elem Lawrence Elementary School Gill Zephyr zgill@usd259.net Para Sped High Incidence Lawrence Elementary School Glaser Johnna jglaser1@usd259.net Social Worker Lawrence Elementary School Gleeson Kelly kgleeson@usd259.net Administrative Assistant 4 Lawrence Elementary School Gray Debra dgray5@usd259.net Para Sped High Incidence Lawrence Elementary School Harvey Victoria vharvey@usd259.net First Grade Lawrence Elementary School Hatzenbuehler Karen khatzenbuehler@usd259.net Aide 2 - F S Lawrence Elementary School Henderson Marc mhenderson6@usd259.net Para Title Instruction Support Lawrence Elementary School Henning Emma ehenning@usd259.net Physical Ed Lawrence Elementary School Irwin Sheldon sirwin@usd259.net Para Sped High Incidence Lawrence Elementary School Jacobs Elizabeth ejacobs@usd259.net Second Grade Lawrence Elementary School Janzing Bryan bjanzing@usd259.net ESOL Lawrence Elementary School Jarvis-Bell Debra djarvisbell@usd259.net Para Sped High Incidence Lawrence Elementary School Loomis Lyndsey lloomis@usd259.net Para Learning Loss LRE Lawrence Elementary School Loomis Lyndsey lloomis@usd259.net Para Learning Loss LRE Lawrence Elementary School Mayer Abigail amayer@usd259.net Asst Para - Title Lawrence Elementary School Mucciaccio Monica mmucciaccio@usd259.net First Grade Lawrence Elementary School Nelson Alayna anelson4@usd259.net Vocal Music Lawrence Elementary School Nero Joseph jnero@usd259.net Custodian 4 Lawrence Elementary School Noullet Shelby snoullet@usd259.net Para Sped High Incidence Lawrence Elementary School Page Michele mpage@usd259.net Fourth Grade Lawrence Elementary School Parks Addison aparks@usd259.net Temp Aide - Co-op Lawrence Elementary School Powell Kaitlin kpowell1@usd259.net Interrelated-Elem Lawrence Elementary School Rivas Juan jrivas@usd259.net Paraeducator ESL Lawrence Elementary School Rodriguez-Orozco Karen krodriguez4@usd259.net Kindergarten Lawrence Elementary School Rollings Faith frollings@usd259.net First Grade Lawrence Elementary School Rubio Vilma vrubio@usd259.net Custodian 1 Lawrence Elementary School Sidwell Aaron asidwell@usd259.net Fifth Grade Lawrence Elementary School Skelley Rosanne rskelley@usd259.net Interrelated-Elem Lawrence Elementary School Stratton Katie kstratton1@usd259.net Second Grade Lawrence Elementary School