- Pleasant Valley Middle
- Directory
If you need to reach an individual in our school, please call the main office at 973-8000.
Last Name First Name Email Address Title Building Aguilera Lluvia laguilera@usd259.net Temp Aide - AVID Pleasant Valley Middle School Alcoseba Garlick Jenifer jalcosebagarlick@usd259.net Reading Intervention - MS Pleasant Valley Middle School Alvarez Alma aalvarez1@usd259.net Health Room Assistant Pleasant Valley Middle School Ames Nathaniel names@usd259.net Interrelated, Middle Pleasant Valley Middle School Araujo-Regalado Cristina caraujoregalado@usd259.net Custodian 2 Pleasant Valley Middle School Arbuckle Jessica jarbuckle@usd259.net AVID teacher Pleasant Valley Middle School Balton Shana sbalton@usd259.net ESOL, Newcomer Pleasant Valley Middle School Barkus Craig cbarkus@usd259.net Social Studies Pleasant Valley Middle School Beck Gabrielle gbeck@usd259.net Temp Aide - AVID Pleasant Valley Middle School Brickley Quyncee qbrickley@usd259.net Para Sped High Incidence Pleasant Valley Middle School Brown Jaden jbrown30@usd259.net Reading Intervention - MS Pleasant Valley Middle School Burgess Debra dburgess1@usd259.net Instructional Technology Specialist Pleasant Valley Middle School Butherus Clay cbutherus@usd259.net Winds Pleasant Valley Middle School Castillo Jorge jcastillo2@usd259.net Temp Aide - AVID Pleasant Valley Middle School Cepeda Marcela mcepeda@usd259.net Asst Para - Title Pleasant Valley Middle School Chavez-Lopez Gennelly glopez2@usd259.net Paraeducator ESL Pleasant Valley Middle School Clayton Ryan rclayton1@usd259.net Strings Pleasant Valley Middle School Crispin Adam acrispin@usd259.net Science Pleasant Valley Middle School Curtis Brian bcurtis@usd259.net Social Studies Pleasant Valley Middle School Cyrus Charlee ccyrus@usd259.net Nurse-Middle Sch Pleasant Valley Middle School Davis-Brewer Christine cbrewer1@usd259.net AVID teacher Pleasant Valley Middle School Diffenbaugh Taneal tdiffenbaugh@usd259.net Para Sped Low Incidence Pleasant Valley Middle School Dziewulski Kristina kdziewulski@usd259.net Mathematics Pleasant Valley Middle School Ellsworth Christopher cellsworth1@usd259.net Science Pleasant Valley Middle School Evans Nicolas nevans2@usd259.net Custodian Pleasant Valley Middle School Everhart Michelle meverhart@usd259.net ESOL Pleasant Valley Middle School Feil Rodney rfeil@usd259.net Para Sped Low Incidence Pleasant Valley Middle School Figueroa Loera Elvia efigueroaloera@usd259.net Manager Pleasant Valley Middle School Flynn Meagan mflynn@usd259.net Mathematics Pleasant Valley Middle School Gamber Ethan egamber@usd259.net Para Sped High Incidence Pleasant Valley Middle School Gomez Brysa bgomez@usd259.net Para Sped High Incidence Pleasant Valley Middle School Gomez Fernando fgomez@usd259.net Custodian 6 Pleasant Valley Middle School Gomez Crystal cgomez@usd259.net Administrative Assistant 4 Pleasant Valley Middle School Gordon Miri mgordon1@usd259.net English Pleasant Valley Middle School Green Kristy kgreen3@usd259.net AVID teacher Pleasant Valley Middle School Grieb Bobbi Jo bgrieb@usd259.net Science Pleasant Valley Middle School Grieb Braelee bgrieb1@usd259.net Temp Aide - AVID Pleasant Valley Middle School Haynes Danielle dhaynes@usd259.net Physical Ed Pleasant Valley Middle School Henderson Nancy nhenderson1@usd259.net AVID teacher Pleasant Valley Middle School Hendrix Brandi bhendrix@usd259.net Academic Life Skills - Sec Pleasant Valley Middle School Hermosillo Rosa rhermosillo@usd259.net Nutrition Services Lead Pleasant Valley Middle School Herrerra Santiago Jennifer jsantiago1@usd259.net Para Sped Low Incidence Pleasant Valley Middle School Holtry Lindsey lholtry@usd259.net Technology Educ Pleasant Valley Middle School Interiano Claudia cinteriano@usd259.net Para Title Instruction Support Pleasant Valley Middle School Jobbins Anna ajobbins@usd259.net Math Intervention Pleasant Valley Middle School Johnson Amber ajohnson14@usd259.net Interrelated, Middle Pleasant Valley Middle School Jolliff Lauren ljolliff@usd259.net Para Sped Low Incidence Pleasant Valley Middle School Jones Tia tjones9@usd259.net Instructional Coach Sec Pleasant Valley Middle School Kasel Justin jkasel@usd259.net Principal Pleasant Valley Middle School Kratochvil Elizabeth ekratochvil@usd259.net Asst Para - Title Pleasant Valley Middle School