- Stanley Elementary
- Stanley Directory
If you need to reach an individual in our school, please call the main office at 973-1300.
Last Name First Name Email Address Title Building Beal Bethany bbeal1@usd259.net Social Worker Stanley Elementary School Beard Blake bbeard@usd259.net Interrelated-Elem Stanley Elementary School Berning Melissa mberning@usd259.net Second Grade Stanley Elementary School Berry Owen oberry@usd259.net Custodian 5 Stanley Elementary School Bruce Roderick rbruce@usd259.net Para Sped Low Incidence Stanley Elementary School Carpenter Jeffrey jcarpenter@usd259.net Fourth Grade Stanley Elementary School Carr Rebecca rcarr@usd259.net Third Grade Stanley Elementary School Chandler Barr Shawnna sbarr@usd259.net Para One to One Stanley Elementary School Chastain Lindsey lchastain@usd259.net Speech Clinic-Elem Stanley Elementary School Chrisman Patricia pchrisman@usd259.net Mixed Abilities Stanley Elementary School Chrisman Nathan nchrisman@usd259.net Prekindergarten Stanley Elementary School Claros Laura lclaros@usd259.net Paraeducator Pre-K Stanley Elementary School Cornelius Adrienne acornelius@usd259.net Para Sped Low Incidence Stanley Elementary School Dewey Megan mdewey@usd259.net Mixed Abilities Stanley Elementary School Eberl Kristie keberl@usd259.net Third Grade Stanley Elementary School Edmiston Deborah dedmiston@usd259.net Para Sped High Incidence Stanley Elementary School Estoquia Antonio Jr aestoquia@usd259.net Interrelated-Elem Stanley Elementary School Flores Katie kflores@usd259.net Kindergarten-All Day Stanley Elementary School Fuhrmann Stephanie sfuhrmann@usd259.net Fifth Grade Stanley Elementary School Girrens Nicolette ngirrens1@usd259.net Speech Clinic, Elem Stanley Elementary School Green Janel jgreen2@usd259.net Para Sped High Incidence Stanley Elementary School Griggs Kellie kgriggs@usd259.net ESOL Stanley Elementary School Harrison Sara sharrison2@usd259.net Behavior Intervention-Elem-LIC Stanley Elementary School Hart Amy ahart@usd259.net Principal Stanley Elementary School Henderson Kelby khenderson5@usd259.net Para Sped Low Incidence Stanley Elementary School Henderson Kelby khenderson5@usd259.net Para Sped Low Incidence Stanley Elementary School Hudson Denise dhudson@usd259.net Third Grade Stanley Elementary School Inglis Kaitlyn kinglis@usd259.net Counselor-Elem Stanley Elementary School Ingrim Kora kingrim@usd259.net Speech Clinic, Elem Stanley Elementary School Irwin Annamarie airwin@usd259.net Para Sped High Incidence Stanley Elementary School Kindrick Shaye skindrick@usd259.net Paraeducator Pre-K Stanley Elementary School Knapp Patrick pknapp1@usd259.net Psychologist-Elem Stanley Elementary School Lewis Talitha tlewis2@usd259.net Prekindergarten Stanley Elementary School Loza Annai aloza@usd259.net Para Sped Low Incidence Stanley Elementary School Lumbreras Jaramillo Gloria glumbrerasjaramillo@usd259.net Paraeducator ESL Stanley Elementary School Maddox Kim kmaddox@usd259.net Para Title Instruction Support Stanley Elementary School Maddox Jared jmaddox1@usd259.net Paraeducator Pre-K Stanley Elementary School Malcolm Linda lmalcolm@usd259.net First Grade Stanley Elementary School Mathenia Precious pmathenia@usd259.net Asst Principal Stanley Elementary School McAllister Tyler tmcallister@usd259.net Para Sped Low Incidence Stanley Elementary School McDowell Kody kmcdowell@usd259.net Asst Para - Title Stanley Elementary School McDowell Kody kmcdowell@usd259.net Asst Para - Title Stanley Elementary School Montiel Kimberly kmontiel@usd259.net Lib Media Spec-Elem Stanley Elementary School O'Crowley Cara cocrowley@usd259.net Kindergarten-All Day Stanley Elementary School Olsen Dana dolsen@usd259.net Mixed Abilities Stanley Elementary School Plympton Amanda aplympton@usd259.net Fourth Grade Stanley Elementary School Powell Kenny kpowell3@usd259.net Aide 2 - F S Stanley Elementary School Ramirez Dominguez Maria mdominguez1@usd259.net Custodian 1 Stanley Elementary School Riggs Charlene criggs@usd259.net Nurse-Elem Stanley Elementary School Ruvalcaba Sandoval Ivan iruvalcabasandoval@usd259.net Custodian 2 Stanley Elementary School