- Harry Street Elementary
- Nurse News
- Immunizations: If you receieved a notice from school about your student's vaccine record please send in a copy to the nurse ASAP!
- Dental Screenings: Hunter Health will be here on October 5th and 6th to screen our student's dental health!
- Vision Screenings: Our students have had there vision checked here at school. If your student did not pass the screen or needs to bring their glasses to school you should have recieved a note in their backpack!
- Hearing Screenings: Each year we check our students hearing in grades Pre-k, Kdg, 2nd, and 5th. If your student does not pass you will be contacted.
Cold and Flu season is coming soon!
To stay healthy during this time remember to:
- Wash your hands with soap and water before eating
- Wash your hands with soap and water after sneezing or blowing your nose
- Don't sneeze or cough into your hands.
- Eat healthy and drink water
- Stay home when you are sick so you don't spread your germs to others