• Attendance

    Regular school attendance is important if a child is to make satisfactory progress in school. 

    Parents must call the school office every single day if their child is absent or tardy/late. Students should be called in by 8:50 a.m. each morning. Please call 973-9850 to report absences. 


    Parents are required to accompany their students to door #1 when they are late (ring the doorbell), and the student will enter the building and be given a pass to class. Our automated system, ParentLink will call if your child is unexcused. Late arrivals are logged on each student's attendance record and should be kept to a minimum. Our Social Worker will be in regular communication with families if late arrivals are consistent. 


    We are aware that situations may arise where a student needs to be absent. Attendance guidelines are based on District and State Attendance Reporting Policies. Key points are as follows:

    • Students are allotted 12 Student Illness days per school year, and all absences excused by our school nurse, or physician's notes are considered "Medical" and are excused as so.
    • Absences due to medical reasons do not count against a student's 12 days of Student Illness, but MUST be accompanied with a doctor's note which states that they are excused.  
    • Family Emergencies are excused upon principal discretion, within reason.
    • Vacations, birthdays, out-of-town visitors, and non-medical or illness-related absences are considered unexcused. Therefore, parents will still receive an automated attendance call. 
    • If a student is going to be absent for more than 3 days, a form must be completed in the office. The principal will determine whether or not absences will be considered excused or unexcused. 
    • Unexcused absences will be reported to the Department of Children and Families according to State Attendance reporting guidelines.


    If a parent needs to pick up a child before the school day ends, the parent must sign out the student in the office first. Students will only be released to those people who are listed on the PIF (Pupil Information Form). The day ends at 4:10 for all students. Students will not be called down to the office until you physically arrive. Please make all attempts NOT to take your child out of school early, as instruction takes place until the very end of the day.


    Any questions regarding state reporting or attendance can be referred to our Social Worker Laura Paitz