- McCollom Elementary
- McCollom Directory
If you need to reach an individual in our school, please call the main office at 973-0350.
Last Name First Name Email Address Title Building Andrews Bettyo bandrews@usd259.net Paraeducator Pre-K McCollom Elementary School Ballinger Jennifer jballinger@usd259.net Gifted, Resource Room McCollom Elementary School Bell Aaron abell1@usd259.net Para Sped Low Incidence McCollom Elementary School Bishop Wm wbishop@usd259.net Vocal Music McCollom Elementary School Bishop Katherine kbishop3@usd259.net Para Sped High Incidence McCollom Elementary School Bollenbach Elizabeth ebollenbach@usd259.net Administrative Assistant 5 McCollom Elementary School Bolster Jocynda jbolster@usd259.net Interrelated-Elem McCollom Elementary School Brown Jamie jbrown26@usd259.net Para Sped Low Incidence McCollom Elementary School Brown Melinda mbrown7@usd259.net Third Grade McCollom Elementary School Burcham Otto Stacy sotto1@usd259.net Prekindergarten McCollom Elementary School Callender Karley kcallender@usd259.net First Grade McCollom Elementary School Cating Ashley acating@usd259.net Art McCollom Elementary School Crafton Tina tcrafton@usd259.net Asst Para - LRE McCollom Elementary School Damato Hilda hdamato@usd259.net Para Learning Loss LRE McCollom Elementary School Ealey Armond aealey@usd259.net Para Sped Low Incidence McCollom Elementary School Elkins Debra delkins@usd259.net Para Learning Loss LRE McCollom Elementary School Elliott-Jaso Alyssa aelliottjaso@usd259.net Para Sped Low Incidence McCollom Elementary School Faber Samantha sfaber@usd259.net Temp Aide - Co-op McCollom Elementary School Fanska Rachel rfanska@usd259.net Administrative Assistant 3 McCollom Elementary School Gallinger Jamie jgallinger@usd259.net Counselor, Elem McCollom Elementary School Gamboa Victoria vgamboa@usd259.net Custodian 1 McCollom Elementary School Gibson Chase cgibson1@usd259.net Physical Ed McCollom Elementary School Givens Dawn dgivens@usd259.net Speech Clinic-Elem McCollom Elementary School Gomez Alejandra agomez3@usd259.net Para Sped Low Incidence McCollom Elementary School Guiden Teayanise tguiden@usd259.net Mixed Abilities McCollom Elementary School Hall Shannon shall2@usd259.net Psychologist-Elem McCollom Elementary School Hanke Crystal chanke@usd259.net Fifth Grade McCollom Elementary School Hanna Melissa mhanna@usd259.net Second Grade McCollom Elementary School Harrell Melinda mharrell@usd259.net Kindergarten McCollom Elementary School Holland Haley hholland@usd259.net Mixed Abilities McCollom Elementary School Hood Reva rhood1@usd259.net Fifth Grade McCollom Elementary School Hoskinson Ann ahoskinson@usd259.net Para Sped Low Incidence McCollom Elementary School Jansen Kathleen kjansen@usd259.net Para Sped Low Incidence McCollom Elementary School Knafla Kimberly kknafla@usd259.net Mixed Abilities McCollom Elementary School Lund Taylor tlund@usd259.net Speech Clinic-Elem McCollom Elementary School Mader Olivia omader@usd259.net Para Sped Low Incidence McCollom Elementary School Marquez ODer Elisa eoder@usd259.net Para Learning Loss LRE McCollom Elementary School McGuire Kierra kmcguire1@usd259.net First Grade McCollom Elementary School McKeown Beverly bmckeown@usd259.net Aide 2 - F S McCollom Elementary School Mount Kristina kmount2@usd259.net Para Sped Low Incidence McCollom Elementary School Mount Kailin kmount1@usd259.net Para Sped Low Incidence McCollom Elementary School Norton Melissa mnorton2@usd259.net Para Sped High Incidence McCollom Elementary School Ohl Jennifer johl@usd259.net Nurse, Elem McCollom Elementary School Palmer Letitia lpalmer@usd259.net Fourth Grade McCollom Elementary School Patterson Logan lpatterson2@usd259.net Temp Aide - Co-op McCollom Elementary School Pierce Jenifer jpierce@usd259.net Fourth Grade McCollom Elementary School Randle Jacqueline jrandle@usd259.net Second Grade McCollom Elementary School Renfro Kendra krenfro@usd259.net Behavior Intervention-Elem-LIC McCollom Elementary School Schmidt Brittany bschmidt2@usd259.net Social Worker McCollom Elementary School Smith Sherrie ssmith15@usd259.net Interrelated-Elem McCollom Elementary School