- Jefferson Elementary
- Jefferson Directory
If you need to reach an individual in our school, please call the main office at 973-3000.
Last Name First Name Email Address Title Building Aguilera Marianela maguilera@usd259.net Instructional Coach Elem Jefferson Elementary School Allan Ashley aallan@usd259.net Reading Intervention-Elem Jefferson Elementary School Alvarado Nizhoni nalvarado@usd259.net First Grade Jefferson Elementary School Andrade Guadalupe gandrade@usd259.net Second Grade Jefferson Elementary School Andrews Ann aandrews1@usd259.net Para Sped High Incidence Jefferson Elementary School Baars Amy abaars@usd259.net Lib Media Spec-Elem Jefferson Elementary School Bayouth Leslie lbayouth@usd259.net Fifth Grade Jefferson Elementary School Bellew Jacquelyn jbellew@usd259.net Administrative Assistant 3 Jefferson Elementary School Brown Nyra nbrown2@usd259.net Art Jefferson Elementary School Bufford Alexandra abufford@usd259.net Kindergarten, All Day Jefferson Elementary School Cortez De Miranda Vilma vdemiranda@usd259.net Para Learn Loss High Incidence Jefferson Elementary School Davis Jacqueline jdavis3@usd259.net ESOL Jefferson Elementary School Earle Cheryl cearle@usd259.net Para Sped High Incidence Jefferson Elementary School Eck Rebecca reck1@usd259.net Prekindergarten Jefferson Elementary School Esparza-Aranda Valeria vesparza@usd259.net First Grade Jefferson Elementary School Evans Kamiel kevans@usd259.net Principal Jefferson Elementary School Frawley Emily efrawley@usd259.net Third Grade Jefferson Elementary School Gauldin Tyler tgauldin@usd259.net Vocal Music Jefferson Elementary School Glover Lisa lglover@usd259.net ESOL Jefferson Elementary School Haase Chelcie cclark3@usd259.net Nurse-Elem Jefferson Elementary School Hadnot Constance chadnot@usd259.net Aide 2 - F S Jefferson Elementary School Haylor Lindsey lhaylor@usd259.net Third Grade Jefferson Elementary School Hetherington Jodi jhetherington@usd259.net Fourth Grade Jefferson Elementary School Hightower Jordan jhightower@usd259.net Psychologist, Elem Jefferson Elementary School Hudson Amber ahudson1@usd259.net Paraeducator Pre-K Jefferson Elementary School Hughes Paige phughes@usd259.net Behavior Intervention-Elem Jefferson Elementary School Hunt Nicholas nhunt@usd259.net Paraeducator ESL Jefferson Elementary School Inciarte Corzo Yacarin yinciarte@usd259.net Custodian Jefferson Elementary School Jones Jenee jjones8@usd259.net Para Sped High Incidence Jefferson Elementary School Lewis Monica mlewis2@usd259.net Para Title Instruction Support Jefferson Elementary School Lumbreras-Martinez Chelsea clumbrerasmartinez@usd259.net Para Sped High Incidence Jefferson Elementary School Maier Jennifer jmaier@usd259.net Speech Clinic-Elem Jefferson Elementary School Mangan Samantha smangan@usd259.net Fifth Grade Jefferson Elementary School Mbugua Joan jmbugua@usd259.net ESOL- Newcomer Jefferson Elementary School McCulloch Lauren lmcculloch@usd259.net Physical Ed Jefferson Elementary School McCullough Nancy nmccullough@usd259.net Second Grade Jefferson Elementary School Muthoni Aaliyah amuthoni@usd259.net Para Title Instruction Support Jefferson Elementary School Nelson Celia cnelson3@usd259.net Fifth Grade Jefferson Elementary School Nguyen Cecilia cnguyen@usd259.net Fourth Grade Jefferson Elementary School Olson Christina colson4@usd259.net Fourth Grade Jefferson Elementary School Ozaeta Norma nozaeta@usd259.net Para ESOL Newcomer Jefferson Elementary School Parrett Alina aparrett@usd259.net Paraeducator Pre-K Jefferson Elementary School Perez-Mata Jamie jmata@usd259.net Paraeducator ESL Jefferson Elementary School Pfeifer Jill jpfeifer@usd259.net Asst Principal Jefferson Elementary School Porras Lopez Gabriela glopez@usd259.net Paraeducator ESL Jefferson Elementary School Richards Cristina crichards2@usd259.net First Grade Jefferson Elementary School Richardson Melissa mrichardson7@usd259.net Administrative Assistant 5 Jefferson Elementary School Rockey Megan mrockey@usd259.net ESOL, Newcomer Jefferson Elementary School Roths Tabatha troths@usd259.net Art Jefferson Elementary School Sauls Cierra csauls@usd259.net Counselor-Elem Jefferson Elementary School