- Cessna Elementary
- Physical Education Teachers
Phone: 316-973-6932
Degrees and Certifications:
**Bachelor of Science in Physical Education and Health from Wichita State University **Masters in Education from Wichita State University
Mr. Grady Beehler
My name is Grady Beehler. I have been teaching Physical Edeucation for 24 years. This is my 8th year at Cessna Elementary. I taught at the high school and middle school level for many years before coming to Cessna. I have really enjoyed teaching at Cessna. Getting the kids for six years and watching them grow up is only a blessing elementary specials teachers get to enjoy. I have also really enjoyed getting to know many of the parents and familes over the years and being a small part of their lives. Teaching is never easy and it can even get messy at times but I'm glad to have done it for the past 8 years with Cessna kids and families.