• Gordon Parks Academy K-8 Standardized Dress Policy 2020-2021 updated 2022-2023

    Parents and staff at Gordon Parks Academy believe that students should dress in a manner and style that promotes a positive, safe school climate and enhances self-image for students.  Additionally, we feel that a standardized dress code:

    • Promotes an atmosphere of discipline and learning that enhances academic achievement.
    • Values students for their character, by providing an equal socio-economic footing for all and eliminates "label competition."
    • Fosters a school’s sense of "community" by enhancing self-respect, school pride and students’ self-esteem.
    • Lessens distractions in the classroom and upholds modesty standards.


    Approved Standardized Dress:

    Shirts:  Solid color of white  or  blue polo-style shirts, blouses, sweaters, cardigans, or sweatshirts (does not include hoodies)

    • Polo shirts can either be short or long sleeved.
    • Gordon Parks Academy logo T-shirts, long sleeved shirts, sweatshirts, and/or hoodies (this is the only approved hoodie)  
    • Shirts must be long enough to be tucked in and must be tucked in during the school day.
    • Logos on uniform colored shirts can be no bigger than quarter sized.



    • Short or long sleeves may be worn, but they must be a solid black, white, gray, or blue.


    Bottoms:  Solid colored blue or khaki pants, skirt, jumper, skorts, shorts or capris.

    • Blue or khaki jumper, dress or skirt (shorts or leggings may be worn underneath but must be an approved school uniform color)
    • Blue or khaki skort
    • Blue  or khaki tailored slacks, shorts, or capri pants.
    • Leggings and spandex materials are not allowed as appropriate bottom attire.
    • Belts should be worn in grades 6-8th grade.


    Shoes:  House shoes, slippers, flip-flops, Crocs and slides are NOT permitted.

    Coats:  Coats should not be worn inside the classrooms or inside Gordon Parks Academy unless students are transitioning outside.

    Clothing should fit correctly:  All items should be comfortably sized to fit the students. Oversized and/or baggy clothes are not

    permitted as well as clothing that may be considered too tight or revealing. Skirts, dresses, jumpers, shorts, or skorts that are shorter

    then fingertip length when arms extended at sides are not permitted. 


    Unapproved Standardized Dress

    • Denim material is not permitted except for free dress days.
    • Sweatpants are not permitted.
    • No hats, sweat bands, or bandanas can be worn in the building.
    • Sleeveless shirts are not permitted.
    • Any item that sends the message of gang affiliation, promotes drugs, alcohol, tobacco, profanity or other inappropriate topics will not be permitted.
    • Inappropriate make-up or writing on the body is not permitted.


    The dress code regulations are equally enforced for all students and if students choose not to follow the Standardized Dress Code, any of the following actions may result:

    • Students will be asked to call a parent to bring their standardized dress to school or, if available, given clothing from the GPA clothes closet.
    • Parent conference will be held to clarify the Standardized Dress Code.
    • Lunch/recess detention or ISS.

    ** If a parent objects to the dress code policy because of religious, philosophical, or economic circumstances, please contact the office and we will be happy to assist you and inform you of your options in accordance with BOE Policy 1473. (Adopted 2017-18)


    Free Dress Day Regulations

    1. The decision of the building administration will be final in all disputes concerning student dress.
    2. Clothing or items that advertise drugs, alcohol or tobacco products, contain references to sex, profanity, or show suggestive, vulgar, obscene writing, pictures or symbols not allowed (items referring to specific body parts).
    3. Shirts must have sleeves with no holes or cut outs. Spaghetti strap tees, tank tops, and undershirts are not allowed unless covered by another shirt and the outer shirt must be kept on during the day. Shirt-tails must be long enough (3” overlap with pants) to cover midriff, skin and underwear while sitting or standing. Shirts must not show cleavage.
    4. Shorts and skirts must be finger-tip length or longer, even when worn with leggings.
    5. Hats, hoods, caps should be worn outside only and should be kept in your locker.
      1. Bandanas, do-rags, and sweatbands are not allowed.
    1. Sunglasses, chains and dog collars are prohibited.
    2. Underwear, pajamas, and house slippers should not be worn as outerwear.
    3. Pants/jeans should fit correctly and not expose underwear. Sagging and/or dragging are not permitted.
    4. Ripped or torn pants that show skin above fingertip length should have leggings underneath.
    5. Clothing or any item that gives the impression of any gang affiliation is not permitted.
    6. Tight pants/skirts such as Lycra biking shorts, lace-up pants, yoga pants and body-conforming jersey/leggings should not be worn.
    7. Coats, backpacks and purses must be stored away during the day.

    The above code/expectations will be applied fairly and equally regardless of gender. Changes or additions to the Dress Code may be made based on the need to maintain a proper learning environment during the year. If a student is dressed inappropriately, the student’s parent will be called to bring appropriate clothing. Repeated offenses will be considered defiance of authority and addressed accordingly. The decision of the building administration will be final in all disputes concerning student dress.

    ID Policy – 5th grade and Middle School

    At Gordon Parks Academy, it is the expectation that all 5th grade and Middle School students are responsible for the care and for wearing their IDs at all times unless instructed by an adult to take them off for an activity. If students are not wearing their ID, they will be asked to put them on and expected to comply with all requests.


    If lost, stolen, defaced, or damaged and the ID does not work with the library or cafeteria scanners, it is the expectation that students will purchase another ID. New or replacement IDs can be purchased in the office for $3.


    ID’s are a part of the uniform. When students do not have their ID or are not wearing it, they will be issued a NO ID sticker, they will receive a lunch detention and will eat lunch last.

    Dress Code Violations

    In an effort to promote Self-Respect, the following measures will be taken in order to maintain a safe and healthy learning environment:

    1. All teachers will request student compliance with the dress code in classrooms and hallways.
    2. Teachers will allow students to correct the situation before taking any further disciplinary action.
    3. Failure to comply with teacher requests makes it an act of defiance.


    Student Options:

    1. Change or correct the item violating the dress code.
    2. Call parent for assistance.