

  • 2024-2025

    East High School

    Cheer Tryouts

    East Athletic E Logo


    Welcome to the Cheer Tryout information page!

    We’re thrilled to have you here as you embark on this exciting journey. Below, you’ll find all the details you need to prepare for tryouts. Feel free to explore and reach out if you have any questions. Best of luck, and we look forward to seeing your spirit shine during tryouts.


    Important Information


    Clinics are set to kick off on March 27th, and 28th, followed by tryouts on the 29th. Please note that tryouts are closed to spectators and parents. Attending clinics and tryouts on all three days is mandatory, but we understand conflicts may arise—communication with the coach is crucial for any adjustments.


    While physicals aren’t required for tryouts, they must be completed after May 1, 2024, for the upcoming school year. Remember, a parent release form is mandatory and must be submitted before the clinics begin on March 26 (see below).


    For tryouts, gym attire is a must. Please refrain from wearing Crocs, house shoes, or similar footwear. Hair must be in a ponytail and all jewlery must be removed before clinics or tryouts begin. 


    Take a moment to review our cheer contract, addressing team expectations. We’ll discuss it further in our upcoming new team meeting—exclusive to the 2024-2025 East High Aces Cheer Squad.


    Please feel free to reach out to Coach Robinson @

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