Appropriate student behavior/dress is necessary to provide a quality learning environment at Robinson. The vast majority of students ARE appropriately dressed and their efforts in this regard ARE appreciated. The decision of the building administration will be final in all disputes concerning student dress.
Please remember:
- Students will be expected to show their Student Identification card to every 1st hour teacher upon entering the classroom. If students do not have an ID, they will be sent to the office to get a temporary ID. ID’s should be on the student’s body at all times throughout the school day. Student ID’s may not have stickers, markers, or anything covering up the students pictures or barcode.
- Cell phones, electronic devices and accessories are to be powered off and not used during the school day from 7:50—3:10, unless being used for instructional lessons with a teacher.
- Clothing or items that advertise or promote gang affiliation, drugs, alcohol or tobacco products, contain references to sex, profanity, or show suggestive, vulgar, obscene writing, pictures or symbols are not allowed. (items referring to specific body parts)
- ALL shirts must have on the shoulder sleeves. Spaghetti strap tees, camis, or tank top undershirts are not allowed even if worn under a jacket. Shirttails must be long enough (3” overlap with pants) to cover midriff, skin and under clothing while sitting or standing. Shirts must not show the chest area, stomach, and back.
- Shorts, sports shorts, and skirts, tunics, and dresses must be finger-tip length or longer in the front, in the back, and on the sides, when walking, even when worn with leggings. Shorts with the slits in the sides are not allowed.
- Hats, hoods, caps should be worn outside only and should be kept in your locker during the school day. Bandanas and do-rags are not allowed. Headbands may not be wider than the student ID.
- Sunglasses, chains, and dog collars, are prohibited.
- Underwear, pajamas, or house slippers should not be worn to school as clothing.
- Pants, jeans, skirts, and shorts should fit correctly at the waist and not expose any under clothing. Sagging is not permitted. Students sagging will have ‘ties’ put into the belt loops to hold the pants up appropriately. Students who continue to sag will be written up and referred to administration for additional consequences.
- Ripped, shredded, or torn pants that show skin above fingertip length should have leggings underneath.
- No clothing or item that gives the impression of any gang affiliation will be permitted, this includes clothing with the bandana print on it.
- Excessive make-up and hairstyles are not permitted if they are a distraction to learning.
- Leggings can be worn underneath shorts, shirts, skirts, or pants of fingertip length all around. Leggings may NOT be worn alone as pants.
- Coats, purses, and book bags must be kept in the locker during the day.
The above code/expectations will be applied fairly and equally regardless of gender. Changes or additions to the Dress Code may be made based on the need to maintain a proper learning environment during the year. We view dress codes as a problem to be solved, not a disciplinary issue. In the event that there is a dress code issue, we will follow these steps to solve the problem:
- Student will be given the option to change into clothes they have with them. If they have nothing suitable then,
- Student will be given the option to change into clothes the office has on hand. If they refuse then,
- Students will be given the option to call home and request a parent to bring clothes to wear. If that is not possible,
- Student will have to sit in the office, ISSR, or an alternate setting for the day or until appropriate clothing can be acquired. It is our priority to keep students in class as much as possible, and get them back to class as soon as possible.