• Mead AVID

    The AVID site team is excited about this year's AVID students who applied to and have been accepted! We know this year will be a great year of growth for these students as they focus on WICOR - writing, inquiry, collaboration, organization and reading. All AVID students received a binder and agenda the first week of school. Students are expected to use these tools in their classes and will be assessed on them throughout the year. 

    Binder/Agenda expectations:

    • Carry your binder to all classes
    • Keep papers and materials organized in the 3-ring binder and behind the class divider
    • Agendas are to be filled out each hour with the work/assignments they are working on in all classes
    • Binders will be checked regularly in AVID and this will be part of the student grade


    Questions? See Mrs. Aberg, Mr. Clough, Mrs. Olson, Ms. Seidl or Ms. Fuentes if you have questions.



  • Avid mission

  • About AVID
    AVID Curriculum Focuses on WICOR

    WICOR   Writing

    Students who are good writers, know how to ask questions, can work well with others, are organized and can read to create thoughts and ideas are students who are more likley to be successful in college. In the AVID elective class, all student work is focused on these 5 areas in order to help our middle school student become high school ready. In addition, students in AVID will begin to see what college is like, where they might want to go and visit campuses with our ultimate goal to help our students be ready for high school so they can enter and graduate from a 4-year college.


    In addition to the academic focus areas of WICOR, AVID also focuses on helping students discover what their future might look like as college students. AVID students go on field trips to visit college campuses so students can begin to visualize what living and participating on a college campus looks like. Exposing students to a variety of jobs is also a priority for AVID students. We work to have guest speakers share with students about a variety of jobs available to them so they can discover possible job opportunities they may not have known about prior.

  • AVID: Proven Achievement. Lifelong Advantage             WPS AVID