- Wichita Public Schools
- Retirement
Retirement Office
Employees planning to retire from the Wichita Public Schools must contact the Retirement Office to complete the appropriate district paperwork.
Early Retirement Program (Bridge)
Employees who are eligible for the Early Retirement Program (Bridge) must complete paperwork with the Retirement Specialist at least 6 months prior to their first bridge payment, per BOE Policy 3714. If you are unsure of your deadline please review the calendar below or call 973-4590 for additional information.
Bridge Notification Deadline Begins: Sign by: January 31 July 31 February 28 August 31 March 30 September 30 April 30 October 31 May 31 November 30 June 30 December 31 July 31 January 31 August 31 February 28 September 30 March 31 October 31 April 30 November 30 May 31 December 31 June 30
Employees interested in staying on the district health insurance as a retiree should contact Gina Wiedemann, Benefit Specialist, for details. Call 973-4564 or send an email to gwiedemann@usd259.net.
Retirement Specialist & KPERS Designated Agent
Alexis Summers
Business: (316) 973-4590
Email: asummers@usd259.net
Social Security Administration
Do you have questions about your Social Security retirement?Visit www.ssa.gov for instructions on how to apply online for retirement benefits, calculators to determine your benefit and other information about the government retirement system.