Equity, Diversity, and Accountability
What does "Equity" in Education mean?
Educational Equity is defined as making decisions strategically based upon the principles of fairness, which includes providing a variety of educational resources, models, programs and strategies according to student needs that may not be the same for every student or school with the intention of leading to equality of academic outcomes
Vision of Wichita Public Schools Department of Equity, Diversity, and Accountability
The WPS Department of Equity, Diversity, and Accountability envisions a future in which students' outcomes are not predicted by their social factors or challenges. WPS is committed to ensuring equitable and fair educational opportunities for all students by allocating resources and providing diverse learning opportunities.
Our Mission Statement
Wichita Public Schools will provide equitable access to a high standard of educational success for all students with the intention of closing achievement gaps, opportunity gaps, belonging gaps, and graduation gaps, particularly for student groups with the greatest academic and behavior needs.
Executive Director of Equity, Diversity, and Accountability
Director of Equity and Diversity Training
Support for Equity, Diversity, and Accountability
Data, Research, and Training
About Critical Race Theory
Wichita Public Schools strives to prepare all of our student scholars to achieve college, career and life readiness through an innovative and rigorous educational experience. Our school district is committed to ensuring educational equity and excellence, and we believe that every student is entitled to adequate and equitable opportunities, resources, and services. Wichita Public Schools does not teach Critical Race Theory. Our curriculum is research-based and rigorous, and is aligned to the Kansas State Department of Education standards (www.ksde.org).
To review the district's full statement regarding CRT, please click here.
Select one of the following to view the official Instructional Unit Guides for the three grade levels in which United States History is Taught: