Direct Deposit / Vendor ACH Payments
Direct Deposit / Vendor ACH Payments (Automatic Clearing House Payments)
Wichita Public Schools, Business/Finance Division offers electronic ACH (Automated Clearing House) payments to our vendors. ACH payment provides an alternative to paper checks, affording you the following advantages:
- Accelerated funds availability
- Certainty of delivery (no more lost or stolen checks)
- Email notification when the payment is processed
The National Automated Clearing House Association (NACHA) regulates the ACH network, a nationwide payment and collection system. Instead of using paper to carry necessary transaction information, the ACH network processes, delivers and settles electronic credits and debits among financial institutions.
How to enroll:
- Complete and sign the attached WPS Supplier ACH Enrollment Form. [Click Here for Form]
- Include voided check with document.
- Forward the completed and signed form via the following methods:
- email to;
- mail to the Accounting Department at the address on the enrollment form;
- Or fax your completed form to 316.973.4554.
If you have questions, please call the District’s Accounting Department at 316.973.4521 or email
School Related Organization Audit Memo
Every school related organization is required to have an annual audit performed of its financial records. The audit is to be performed by a person(s) independent of the organization’s treasurer position and a copy forwarded to the financial services department.
Administrative Implemental Procedures:
- The term school related organization includes all PTA/PTSA, PTO, booster club, and any other non-pupil organization using the name of a USD 259 school.
- The annual audit may be performed by a professional or by a committee of at least three members of the organization who have no responsibility for the financial records.
- A copy of the audit, including financial statements, is due in the Business/Financial Services office by July 31 each year.
- School related organizations that do not comply with this policy will no longer be permitted to use the name of district schools and will be denied access to district buildings for meeting and fund raising purposes.
School Related Organization Audit Report Memo and Form
Return completed form and documentation to:
U.S. Mail: Inner School Mail:
AMAC AMAC - Accounting Rm 207 Attn: Nancy Iverson, Controller 903 S. Edgemoor Wichita, Ks 67218