Political Campaign Guidelines
- Overview
- Employee Involvement
- Classroom Questions
- Building Questions
- District Buildings and Property
Engaging students in the political process and making it relevant to their lives sets the foundation for a lifetime of active citizenship and community involvement. The guidelines provided here provide insight on commonly asked questions about candidates, employee political involvement, campaigning, distribution of political materials and candidate presentations. It is vital that these guidelines be applied impartially and without preference for candidate, party or viewpoint.
Employee Involvement
Can District employees participate in a campaign?
Yes! District employees do not abdicate their 1st Amendment rights! It is important to note these activities must be done after work hours and using only personal equipment.
• Do not use District email accounts; District computers; or make campaign related calls during work hours. • Do not campaign during work hours.
• Letters of endorsement should be written from your capacity as a private citizen, not as an employee of WPS. Refrain from using your position in the District when you sign the letter. For example, you can refer to your experience as a “teacher” or “educator,” but not as a 4th grade teacher at a specific school.
Classroom Questions
Can candidates or incumbents speak to classes?
- We encourage and welcome elected officials to visit schools. During a campaign cycle, it is important to offer this opportunity on an equal basis to all candidates who filed for the particular office. Inclusion of all candidates for a position exposes students to a variety of political points of view, thoughts and ideals. The purpose for inviting political candidates should be related to the curriculum.
Can staff and students wear political buttons?
- Yes. Staff and students may wear political buttons as long as it is not disruptive or interferes with the educational process.
Can I display campaign signs in my classroom?
- Campaign signs can be displayed in classrooms when used for educational purposes and are not to be used to support one candidate over another or to encourage one political view over another. Can students be involved in voter registration drives at school? Yes. Students are very effective in encouraging their peers to register and to vote. Student sponsored voter registration tables at school events are a great way to help parents, staff and students register to vote. Voter registration information can be found at http://www.sedgwickcounty.org/elections/
Building Questions
Can schools promote voter registration?
- Yes. Parent Teacher Conferences and Open Houses are opportunities to help our patrons and staff register to vote.
Can candidates attend PTA, PTO, booster club or site council meetings?
- Yes, with limits. The District encourages incumbents and candidates for office to visit our buildings to learn about public education today.
- PTO, PTA and booster clubs are independent organizations that can invite candidates or incumbents to attend meetings and discuss far-ranging political issues.
- Site councils are different. Mandated by state law, site councils are an arm of the District. If an invitation is extended to one candidate, the same opportunity must be extended to all candidates in a given race.
Can campaign materials be distributed at my school?
- BOE policy P2219 outlines the procedure for distribution of campaign materials. Please remember:
- The principal is responsible for access, screening the material and assuring equal treatment of all candidates. • Campaign materials are usually distributed in employee mailboxes.
- The candidate must ask permission of the principal.
- The principal may deny distribution of material if the source is anonymous or subversive.
- Do not use students to distribute political materials to parents or students.
- Posting brochures or signs on general bulletin boards (such as hallways or staff lounge) is not permitted. Exception for classrooms is noted on the prior page.
What should I do if yard signs are posted on the easement in front of the school?
- Immediately remove any yard signs placed on District property or on the easement. Campaigns often have volunteers put up yard signs who are not familiar with city ordinance or District policy.
Can candidates have photographs or videos taken of themselves on school property?
- In order to be fair to all candidates, candidates should not be given the authority to take photographs or videos of themselves on school property that they intend to use in their campaigns.
What if a candidate calls asking for a tour of our building?
- The District encourages candidates and incumbents to visit our buildings and meet administrators and faculty.
District Buildings and Property
District buildings and property are a nonpublic forum which may be used only for purposes consistent with the District’s educational mission. It is the intent of these guidelines to permit limited access to and use of District property only for the civic and educational purposes described herein. The creation of a limited forum to conduct any of the activities described does not constitute or imply endorsement by the District of any views expressed by the speaker or participant which at all times remain the personal expression of the person or persons involved.