What is Latchkey? It's a program for children in kindergarten through fifth grade that is offered before and after school during the school year. Students have fun and enjoy friends while under the supervision of caring adults. The program is tailored to meet the developmental characteristics and needs of each individual child. Certified teachers direct the USD 259 district programs and follow the Kansas Department of Health and Environment guidelines. District sites are licensed child care facilities and 100 percent self-funded. Staffing is based on a 1 to 15 ratio.
Children must be 5-12 years of age. 5-year-olds must be enrolled in kindergarten.
Latchkey is open on days school is in session. Check with your individua site for exact times. Most sites run approximately two hours before and after school. Summer programs are available at some sites.
Enrollment: Enrollment is first come, first served. Parents can pick up enrollment paperwork from any latchkey site but paperwork must be turned in at the site you're registering for.
Cost: All latchkey prices are the same at $5 (reduced) or $6 (full) per day, with a two-day minimum per week.
- A non-refundable $20 registration fee is paid at the time of enrollment. The fee must be paid to guarantee a spot.
- The third and each additional child in each family attending will pay 1/2 price of weekly fees. Registration is not half price.
- Payment for the week is due at the beginning of the week. A $5 late fee is charged on any balance due on Friday closing.
- Late pickup of a child after closing will result in a charge of $1 per minute per child. ALL sites close at 6 p.m.
- We accept DCF.
Latchkey Sites
- Adams
- Allen
- Anderson
- Benton
- Black
- Bostic
- Buckner
- Cessna
- Chisholm Trail
- College Hill
- Christa McAuliffe Academy
- Dodge
- Earhart
- Enders
- Enterprise
- Franklin
- Gammon
- Griffith
- Harry Street
- Horace Mann
- Hyde
- Irving
- Isely
- Jackson
- Jefferson
- Kelly
- Kensler
- L'Ouverture
- Lawrence
- Linwood
- McCollom
- McLean
- Minneha
- OK
- Peterson
- Price-Harris
- Riverside
- Seltzer
- Spaght
- Stanley
- Washington
- White
- Woodland
- Woodman
Contact Us
Lisa Shahankary
District Latchkey Programs Supervisor