Fundraising Sales: Smart Snacks in Schools
Food Sold in Schools
Individual schools must maintain records of products sold to students during the school day to show that these products meet Smart Snacks standards. These records would include receipts, nutrition labels, specifications and any other proof that the food or beverage meets the standards.
Food and beverages that do not meet the following standards may only be sold:
- In the evenings, 30 minutes after the end of the school day
- On weekends
- Off campus, or
- On approved exempted fundraising days. In Kansas each school organization recognized by the Board of Education may conduct one fundraiser per semester (with each fundraiser lasting no longer than two days) that does not meet the Smart Snacks standards. Receipts, nutrition labels, etc. are not required for these foods and beverages, but each school must maintain records that document when, where, and what was sold in the exempt fundraisers held at that site.
Check out the tools above that can help your school be compliant in Smart Snacks.
What is Smart Snacks in Schools?
The law specifies that the nutrition standards shall apply to all food sold outside the school meal programs, on the school campus, and at any time from the midnight before to 30 minutes after the end of the official school day. The Smart Snacks standards apply to a la carte in the cafeteria, school stores, snack bars, vending machines, fundraising, and other venues where food is sold to students during the school day.
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