Emergency Procedures\Severe Weather
In case of emergency: It is your student's school's responsibility to contact parents/guardians in case of emergency. You will be notified of what has happened and where your student (s) is or has been taken. In case of severe weather, tune in to either a local television or radio station.
It is very important that current emergency numbers and contact person information are available at your student's school.
In case of inclement weather:
- Talk to your student about playing on ice or slick spots.
- Discourage your students from playing in, near, or around drainage ditches.
- If possible, have your student wear bright clothing so they can be seen easily in the early morning or late afternoon when it begins to get dark.
- Remind your student to dress properly. Warm clothes, hats, mittens and boots.
- Inclement weather often results in buses being late, both for pick-up and drop-off.