In 1988, the Wichita Public Schools completed a survey of all school buildings in the district as required by 40 CFR Part 763, Asbestos-Containing Materials in Schools Rule. This rule, which was enacted by Congress in 1987, requires all local education agencies to identify the location and condition of all asbestos-containing materials in the schools, and develop plans to minimize the hazard of airborne asbestos fibers to building occupants.
Accredited asbestos inspectors inspected each of our facilities. The inspectors located, sampled, and rated the condition and the potential hazard of all material suspected to contain, or assumed to contain asbestos.
The inspection reports and laboratory analysis records were turned over to an accredited asbestos management planner who developed an Asbestos Management Plan for each of our facilities. The plans include the inspection report, hazard assessment, and procedures for controlling any hazard that may exist.
The asbestos management plan of your child's school is available for your inspection at no cost or restriction. Copies of the plan, which are located in the administrative office of each school and at the School Service Center, can be reviewed during regular school hours. A copy of the plan will be made available upon request for a reasonable fee.
Asbestos management plans have been implemented and are in place. We are committed to comply with all federal, state, and local regulations; including, but not limited to, periodic surveillance, operations and maintenance, and implementation of all response actions as listed in the Management Plan for each school. We plan to take all steps deemed necessary to ensure that your child and our employees have a healthy, safe environment in which to learn and work. If you should have any questions or comments regarding the Asbestos Management Plan for your school building, please contact the Environmental Services office at 973-2217.