Visitor Management System
Hall Pass Visitor Management - Making Safe Schools Safer
To enhance safety of our schools, effective with the start of the 2024-25 school year the Hall Pass visitor scanning at all WPS schools will begin 10 minutes before the beginning of the school day, rather than on the hour when the school day begins.
Parents or other regular visitors may visit with their school's front office team to receive a Hall Pass key fob to allow the scan in process to move a bit quicker.
Thank you for supporting WPS efforts to keep our schools safe for students, staff and visitors!
How Hall Pass Works
Visitors who come to any school in our district, and who interact with students, will sign in for their visit using the Hall Pass visitor management system. Hall Pass uses a visitor’s driver’s license to capture name and date of birth, and performs an instant screening for sex offenders against a national database.
- Visitors are expected to check in through Hall Pass from 10 minutes before school beings (ex: beginning at 8:50am for a 9am start) until 10 minutes after the school day ends.
- Visitors required to use this system include:
- Parents, guardians and other visitors who will volunteer in or observe classrooms or student activity areas
- Parents, guardians or other visitors who eat lunch with their student, who may be at school for a birthday celebration or classroom activity, or who may drive for or chaperone a field trip.
- Vendors and other community partners who have access to our building’s hallways to execute their work duties.
- Driver’s license or government‐issued ID card will be used to check you in to the building. Name and birthdate will be instantly captured, and within seconds, you will receive a date‐specific visitors ID badge to wear in school.
- Visitor IDs will be scanned against national sexual offender data bases to ensure the safety and security of our school environment. This will occur in seconds.
- Frequent visitors may request a unique key fob ID to make check‐in/check‐out scanning easier on future visits.
- A visitor will be required to check in each time they visit. This can be done using the key fob, or their driver’s license/ID.
- Each time a visitor checks in, a custom ID badge will be provided.
- If the scan alerts staff to a non‐authorized visitor, both school leaders and our district’s safety personnel will be alerted.
- All district employees will scan in to the system using their photo employee ID badge.
Frequently Asked Questions
- Where are the systems located?
- Was there an incident that prompted you to implement the system?
- Why do I have to sign in each time?
- What are the key fobs about?
- Do parents need to sign in if they enter the building before the school day begins?
- Do visitors need to check out when they leave?
- Will I have to sign in if I'm just picking up my child for a doctor's appointment?
- What databases will you scan?
- What if I don't have a driver's license or government ID?
- What will you do with my information?
- Who will see what is scanned?
- If the electricity goes out, can visitors still enter the buidling?
- Who can I talk to for more information?
- Will everyone be scanned?