Individual Plan of Study
As students navigate through high school and into career and college, it is important that they set educational goals and create a roadmap for success. This roadmap, or Individual Plan of Study, includes the development of a flexible career focus and an education plan to assure a successful transition to further education after high school (postsecondary education, i.e. technical, 2 yr. or 4 yr. colleges and universities) and/or the workforce. The Kansas State Board of Education expects all school districts to implement Individual Plans of Study for all students beginning in the middle grades.
- What is an Individual Plan of Study?
- How and when is the IPS used?
- What information is included in an IPS?
- How can families participate in the development of the IPS?
- Do students with an Individual Education Plan (IEP) also need an Individual Plan of Study (IPS)?
What is an Individual Plan of Study?
How and when is the IPS used?
What information is included in an IPS?
How can families participate in the development of the IPS?
Do students with an Individual Education Plan (IEP) also need an Individual Plan of Study (IPS)?
Below are the pathway cheatsheets for our 8th-grade students to assist them in planning their Individual Plan of Study. Students will use the high school aligned with their feeder school pattern.
2024-25 Pathway Sequence Cards -East.docx
2024-25 Pathway Sequence Card Heights.docx
2024-25 Pathway Sequence Cards -North.docx
2024-25 Pathway Sequence Card NW.docx
2024-25 Pathway SequenceCards -South.docx
2024-25 Pathway SequenceCards -Southeast.docx
2024-25 Pathway Sequence Cards -West.docx
Postsecondary Assets
Postsecondary Assets (PSA) support students in a seamless, successful postsecondary transition to college or career. Represented by Student Success Outcome 2 of our Every Student Future Ready strategic plan: Prepare students for life, college and career success. The percentage of students earning five or more postsecondary assets prior to graduation will reach at least 50% by 2029.
This page contains information from the Kansas Parent Information Resource Center and the Kansas Technical Assistance System Network.