Athlete Registration

  • Click here to Register






    East High student-athletes are required to complete the online registration process through Rank One Sport before participating in conditioning, tryouts or practice for a sport. Registration can be completed using a computer or mobile device. After a medical provider completes the KSHSAA physical form (revised 2023), upload the form pages to your account. The Physical Exam must be completed by a medical provider on or after May 1 to be good for summer activities and the August-May school year (e.g., physical completed on May 1, 2024, or after, is valid for participation June 2024-May 2025).


    Please be proactive in obtaining a physical and completing your online registration. All required documents and online registration must be completed AND APPROVED before participating.


    Please allow 24 hours for processing/approval of online registrations.


    What is a complete physical for upload? 


    Follow these steps:

    1. Go to the East High Athletics website: Click Athlete Registration and then Click Here to Register
    2. Welcome to the Parent Portal page – read instructions, click PROCEED TO ONLINE FORMS.
    3. Click CREATE NEW ACCOUNT or LOGIN INTO YOUR PREVIOUSLY CREATED ACCOUNT – you may use web browser or download the RankOne app, verify email.
    4. Search for your student using your STUDENT’S LEGAL LAST NAME and SCHOOL ID NUMBER – you must claim the student.
    5. Click on the student to Start Forms or click View button to get to the forms (might vary between browser and app).
    6. Select and complete each Electronic Document, both parent/guardian and student must electronically sign each form.
      • Each page of the physical must be filled out completely, signed and dated in all areas. Once complete, upload each page either by PDF or picture to the corresponding section.
    7. Complete the seven (7) electronic forms by selecting the forms and filling in all required boxes and signatures.
    8. When each form is complete, it will mark the form Approved. Final approval must be issued by the athletic department.
    9. You can return to your forms at any time using your email and password.

     Click here to Register





Last Modified on May 15, 2024