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WPS Administrators of the Year announced

The district has awarded the inaugural Wichita Public Schools Administrator of the Year awards which recognize principals and assistant principals who have increased belonging, voice, and agency for students and staff as well as improved academic culture and progress on their campus. 

An elementary and secondary principal and assistant principal were chosen.

Click here to watch a video of the surprise announcements.

Todd Sanchez and Cynthia ChrismanElementary Principal of the Year
Todd Sanchez, Linwood Elementary School

Todd Sanchez, who has been with the district for 16 years, and has been principal of Linwood for the past four years, was recognized for his dedication to the school and students and the relationships he’s built with both.

“There are lot of really talented principals in the district so to receive this award is very humbling,” said Sanchez.

Elementary Assistant Principal of the Year
Cynthia Chrisman, Minneha Core Knowledge Magnet Elementary School

Cynthia Chrisman, who has been with the district for five years, and has been assistant principal at Minneha for the past three years, was recognized for being a role model to new teachers, for valuing input from staff and for being a servant leader.

“It’s overwhelming,” said Chrisman. “I feel very proud of the work that I do at Minneha every day and I’m proud that leadership feels secure in my abilities to give me this award.”

Justin Kasel and Kathleen BastinSecondary Principal of the Year
Justin Kasel, Pleasant Valley Middle School

Justin Kasel, who has been with the district 17 years and has been principal at Pleasant Valley for the past four years, was recognized for increasing academic achievement, and school spirit and for providing a supportive environment for new staff.

“I’m really proud to receive this award but it’s really a team effort,” said Kasel. “I went to school here and this neighborhood is important to me. I just want people to know how great this school is and how great the people who work here and live in the neighborhood are.”

Secondary Assistant Principal of the Year
Kathleen Bastin, Assistant Principal at Jardine Middle School

Kathleen Bastin, who has been with the district 18 years, and has been the assistant principal of Jardine for the past four years, was recognized for going above and beyond for students, staff and families and for being a strong leader who works hard to make sure Jardine has the support it needs.

“I’m overwhelmed and speechless,” Bastin said. “I really love what I do and appreciate being recognized by my peers and administration. I love our administrative team; we work really well together. Our teachers work hard and are super dedicated. Our students are fabulous; they have some hard life stories but they come to school every day excited to be here. I really do love our families and Jardine. This is where I’m supposed to be.”