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BOE gets first review of the Student Success Outcomes with the updated Strategic Plan

During the November 13, 2023 Board of Education meeting, members heard an update from Superintendent Kelly Bielefeld on the 2024-29 Strategic Plan development, which builds on the success of the 2018-23 strategic plan.  

Superintendent Bielefeld and Deputy Superintendent Gil Alvarez introduced the recommended Student Success Outcomes. The Student Success Outcomes show WPS will thrive in innovative and impactful educational communities that:     

  • Increase academic achievement and graduation rate
  • Prepare students for life, college and career success
  • Create and enhance safety and belonging

Click here to watch the BOE presentation.

The BOE will vote to finalize the new Strategic Plan at the December 11 meeting.  The plan will guide the work of the Wichita Public Schools through 2029.

In July 2023, the BOE asked Superintendent Bielefeld to develop an updated Strategic Plan as the previous plan was coming to a close.  WPS held 13 listening sessions and gathered online feedback from hundreds of stakeholders to help shape the new plan.

Based on the feedback, the BOE approved an updated Mission, Vision and Shared Beliefs in August and September 2023.