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Things to know to keep you child healthy

Check up



Guidelines for Childhood Wellness at school



Cold and Flu season is upon us.  Many students present symptoms, but not all symptomatic children need to be sent home.  Remember, viruses are the cause of both colds and the flu, and these viruses can take a while to recover from.  Students may return to school after an illness, and still have a runny nose, mild cough, and a mild sore throat.  If students are not "Acting sick," coughing in a manner that interferes with his/her focus or learning, running a fever, vomiting, or experiencing diarrhea, then the student can attend school. 

Children need to be at school so they can learn. The best way to prevent the spread of infection is with proper, frequent hand washing. Encourage children to cough and sneeze into their elbows, not hands, and refrain from touching the eyes, nose and the mouth areas with hands.  Always encourage children to get enough rest; and if possible, go to bed early and to stay hydrated.  If your child needs a doctor and/or health insurance, you may contact the School Nurse for information about options available in the Wichita area.
If your child will be absent from school, please call the school office.

Attached are handouts about identifying the cold versus the flu, and a guide on how to identify when your child should be excluded from school. Thank you for working hard to keep your kids healthy and safe!  


Is it - Cold, Flu, or Stomach Flu?

Health Service Guidelines on When to Keep Your Child Home From School