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WPS Buildings Welcome New Leaders

A new school year brings opportunities for not only students, but staff as well.

Several WPS buildings are welcoming new leaders this school year.

Peterson Elementary principal Matt Phillips greets a studentMatt Phillips, who served as an assistant principal at Anderson Elementary for two years, is now principal of Peterson Elementary. During his time with the district, Phillips taught 5th grade at Pleasant Valley Elementary for five years and served as a behavior interventionist at Peterson for a year before becoming an assistant principal.

“I could not be more excited about being able to serve our students and families at Peterson this school year,” said Phillips. “I know what a special place Peterson is and I’m ready to work with our staff to continue our academic growth and emphasize belonging at Peterson.”

Brooks Center for STEM and Arts Magnet Middle School will have a new principal this year.

Josh Wilbert, the former principal at Jardine, joined the Brooks leadership team this year.

Wilbert taught English at Northeast Magnet High School for seven years, also serving as the English department chairperson. He served as an assistant principal for two years at Truesdell Middle School and for four years at Jardine.

As a child, he attended kindergarten at Kensler Elementary, 1st grade and 3rd-5th grade at Peterson Elementary, and 2nd grade at Ingalls Elementary.

“The faculty, staff, students, families, and the greater community are second to none at Brooks,” Wilbert said. “Brooks has a fantastic history and I look forward to building on the standard of excellence that has been established there.”

Tina Young, the former principal at Payne Elementary School, has become the principal at McLean Science and Technology Magnet Elementary School.

Young taught 5th grade at Gardiner Elementary and 4th and 5th grades at Washington Accelerated Learning Elementary School. She also served as an interrelated teacher for kindergarten through third-grade students at Gammon Elementary before becoming an assistant principal at White Elementary. She served as principal at Payne Elementary for seven years.

“I’m most excited to learn more about Science and Technology with the amazing staff at McLean so I can help lead in the excitement and application of screaming the magnet theme for all kids K-5 so they are future ready academically and social-emotionally,” said Young.

At Mead Middle School, two former Jardine STEM and Career Exploration Magnet Middle School assistant principals have joined principal Jacob Henning’s leadership team.

Kathleen Bastian, herself a product of Wichita Public Schools, attending Kellogg Elementary, Hamilton Middle School and West High, has served in the district for 20 years. She taught science and was an AVID elective teacher at Coleman Middle School for 16 years before becoming an assistant principal. She served as an assistant principal at Jardine for four years before moving to Mead this year.

Bastian is excited for the start of a new school year.

“Mead is a wonderful school with amazing staff that all have a heart for kids!,” said Bastian. “I’m excited for our new journey together to see us grow and succeed as a building as well as our students.”

Jane Bunn taught at Coleman Middle School for 11 years where she taught seventh- and eighth-grade science as well as AVID Excel and AVID elective. She served as assistant principal at Jardine for one year before joining the leadership team at Mead.

“I am excited to meet new students and staff and get to know them,” said Bunn. “ I’m also excited to continue my work with the Jardine students and their families that now attend Mead.