BOE hears recommendations for Step 1 of the Facility Master Plan
On June 10, 2024, the Board of Education heard a recommendation for Step 1 of the Facility Master Plan. Consultng partner Cooperative Strategies presented recommendations that would occur over the next 5 years or more for new facilities as well as enhancements to current facilities which support educational adequacy, equity and efficiency.
- Rebuild 8 school facilities
- Elementary schools – Adams, Black, Caldwell, Irving, McLean, new early childhood center
- Middle schools – Truesdell, new middle school to replace the current Coleman building
- Repurpose 3 buildings
- Current Coleman Middle School to accommodate current alternative programs
- Recently-closed Jardine Middle School to accommodate current alternative programs
- Current Bryant Elementary would become the new Chisholm Life Skills program
- Consolidate 11 buildings including 4 elementary schools, 5 alternative schools and 2 administrative centers
- Elementary schools – L’Ouverture, OK, Pleasant Valley, Woodland
- Alternative – Chisholm Life/Dunlap, Gateway, Little, Sowers, Wells
- Administrative – Dunbar, Focht Instructional Support Center
- Add to 2 schools
- Additional classrooms at Cessna to convert the building to a K-8 school
- New Future Ready Center for Building Trades added to the current location of East High’s B Building
- Maintenance of the current Isely Elementary facility, which would be converted to a K-8 school
Click here to read the presentation
Watch the June 10 BOE presentation
Click here for a summary of Step 1 Facility Master Plan recommendations
Share your thoughts! Your feedback will have a direct impact on the outcome of the final recommendation that will be shared with the BOE on June 27. Click here to take the survey. It will be open until June 20.
The Board will be asked to consider the possibility of a bond issue sometime in the future. The Board of Education could consider a $450 million bond issue that would not raise taxes, but could generate the revenue to accomplish the Step 1 recommendations.
This spring, the community was invited to share their thoughts through a survey and at community meetings.
“Survey results and feedback from those meetings tell us the community wants to rebuild and renovate our schools. They recognize the need to address our aging buildings and improve our facility conditions to better serve current and future students,” Superintendent Kelly Bielefeld said.
More information can be found at