Senior Spotlight - Rashad West, West High School
Rashad West says his favorite part of attending West High has been participating in sports.
“I did wrestling,” Rashad said. “The coaches were the best part. They really cared and spent one-on-one time with us. Coach Brown was my favorite coach of all time.”
Rashad also participated in mens volleyball, power lifting, football, Student Council, the Brotherhood program and the Better Academics and Social Excellence program (BAASE). He joined the BAASE program in middle school and continued into his junior year.
“The BAASE program kept me motivated to keep up my grades,” Rashad said.
He says his favorite subject in high school has been science.
“I love science,” Rashad said. “Human Anatomy was a great class that taught me a lot.”
Next year he plans to attend Wichita State University with a Shocker Promise scholarship and major in sports management.
Watch Rashad's Senior Spotlight video.