Library Media & Textbook Services, along with WPS-TV and Media Production Services, host the annual Battle of the Books competition for elementary school students each January. Students read from a list of 64 books and need to be familiar with the characters, settings, problem and resolution of each story. Teams then compete in preliminary rounds at their schools in order to be selected for district-wide competitions at the WPS-TV studio.
The 30th season of Wichita Public Schools' Battle of the Books took place January 22-29, 2025. Competitions were broadcast live on Cox Cable channel 20 in Wichita and on WPS-TV. Each episode is available on YouTube.
Preparing for Battle of the Books? We will post the list for 2025-2026 as soon as becomes available.
Links to recent Battle of the Books competitions can be found below. For information on episodes from prior to the 2015-2016 school year, contact Media Production Services at
YouTube Links
Host: Kelly Bielefeld, WPS Superintendent
Schools: Christa McAuliffe, College Hill, Dodge, Woodman
Host: Wendy Johnson, WPS Family & Community Engagement
Schools: Adams, Anderson, Black
Host: Brooklinn Rae
Schools: Kensler, OK, Riverside, Stanley
Host: Carol Hughes, 100.5 The Twister
Schools: Beech, Gardiner, Hyde, McLean
Host: Avery Osen, KSN
Schools: Enterprise, Jackson, Jefferson, Washington
Host: Bri Smith, KSN
Schools: Buckner, Cessna, Chisholm Trail
Host: Pilar Pedraza, KAKE
Schools: Kelly, Peterson, Pleasant Valley, White
Host: Keenan Penn II, KWCH
Schools: Bostic, Franklin, L'Ouverture, McCollom
Host: Alexis Padilla, KSN
Schools: Enders, Gordon Parks, Griffith, Mueller
Host: Jim Kobbe
Schools: Earhart, Gammon, Isely, Spaght
Host: Ted Woodward, KNSS
Schools: Allen, Caldwell, Horace Mann, Ortiz
Host: Jim Kobbe
Schools: Colvin, Irving, Seltzer
Host: Jay Prater, KAKE-TV
Schools: Isely, Horace Mann, Price-Harris
Host: Brittany Foster, KAKE-TV
Schools: Anderson, Cessna, Harry St., Hyde
Host: Kelly Bielefeld, Wichita Public Schools
Schools: College Hill, Colvin, Enterprise, Gardiner
Host: Avery Osen, KSN
Schools: Buckner, Cleaveland, Pleasant Valley
Host: Wendy Johnson, Wichita Public Schools
Schools: Earhart, Payne, Washington, Woodman
Host: Annette Lawless, KAKE-TV
Schools: Clark, McLean, Mueller
Host: Brooklinn Rae, KAKE-TV
Schools: Kelly, OK, Peterson, Stanley
Host: Bri Smith, KSN
Schools: Adams, Chisholm Trail, L'Ouverture, Spaght
Host: Alexis Padilla, KSN
Schools: Black, Christa McAuliffe, Irving, Ortiz
Host: Carol Hughes, Real Story Media
Schools: Bostic, Jackson, Riverside, White
Host: Rachel Bastian, WSU Media Resources
Schools: Enders, Gordon Parks, Kensler, Lawrence
Host: Pilar Pedraza, KAKE-TV
Schools: Franklin, Jefferson, McCollom, Seltzer
Host: Ted Woodward, KNSS
Schools: Allen, Beech, Caldwell, Gammon
Host: Jay Prater, KAKE-TV
Schools: College Hill, Isely, Spaght
Host: Fayola Oyatayo, Mr. Wichita
Schools: Adams, Price-Harris, McCollom
Host: Annette Lawless, KAKE-TV
Schools: Jefferson, Kensler, L'Ouverture, White
Host: Ted Woodward, KNSS
Schools: Clark, Colvin, Franklin, McLean
Host: Dr. Alicia Thompson, Wichita Public Schools Superintendent
Schools: Enders, Harry Street, Payne, Woodman
Host: Gail Becker, WPS Library Media Services
Schools: Beech, Dodge, Griffith, Irving
Host: Avery Osen, KSN-TV
Schools: Christa McAuliffe Academy, Gardiner, Horace Mann, Peterson
Host: Pilar Pedraza, KAKE-TV
Schools: Black, Buckner, Chisholm Trail, Lawrence
Host: Jim Kobbe, Spirit Aerosystems
Schools: Jackson, Kelly, Washington
Host: Alexis Padilla, KSN-TV
Schools: Earhart, OK, Ortiz
Host: Jillian Carroll, WSU Athletics
Schools: Caldwell, Cessna, Gordon Parks Academy, Seltzer
Host: Carol Hughes, Real Story Media
Schools: Bostic, Gammon, Hyde, Riverside
Host: Dr. Alicia Thompson, Wichita Public Schools
Schools: College Hill, Griffith, Isely
Host: Jim Kobbe, Spirit Aerosystems
Schools: Gardiner, Ortiz, Pleasant Valley
Host: Pilar Pedraza, KAKE
Schools: Black, Chisholm Trail, McCollom
Host: Alex Flippin, KWCH
Schools: Cessna, McLean, Seltzer, Woodman
Host: Jillian Carrol, KSN
Schools: Adams, Buckner, Franklin
Host: Ted Woodward, KNSS
Schools: Caldwell, Peterson, Stanley, Woodland
Host: Leigh Bellinger, McConnell Air Force Base Public Affairs
Schools: Dodge, Jackson, L'Ouverture, Price-Harris
Host: Natalie Davis, KWCH
Schools: Allen, Bostic, Earhart, Jefferson
Host: Avery Osen, KSN
Schools: Clark, Cleaveland, Gammon, Hyde
Host: Jay Prater, KAKE
Schools: Christa McAuliffe, Colvin, Gordon Parks, Harry St.
Host: Carol Hughes, Interim Healthcare
Schools: Beech, Irving, OK, Riverside
2:00 PM, Tuesday, March 2, 2021
Schools: Black, Bostic, Jackson
10:00 AM, Wednesday, March 3, 2021
Schools: Adams, Isely, Harry St., Peterson
2:00 PM, Wednesday, March 3, 2021
Schools: Caldwell, College Hill, Payne, Seltzer
10:00 AM, Thursday, March 4, 2021
Schools: Enders, L'Ouverture, McLean
2:00 PM, Thursday, March 4, 2021
Schools: Clark, Earhart, Riverside
11:00 am Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Host: Jim Kobbe, Spirit Aerosystems
Schools: Christa McAuliffe, Jefferson, Pleasant Valley, Woodman
2:00 pm Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Host: Sarah Fletcher, KWCH
Schools: Adams, Griffith, Hyde, Spaght
11:00 am Wednesday, January 22, 2020
Host: Ronelle Williams, KSN
Schools: Anderson, Gammon, Gardiner, Isely
2:00 pm Wednesday, January 22, 2020
Host: Natalie Davis, KWCH
Schools: McLean, Seltzer, Woodland
11:00 am Thursday, January 23, 2020
Host: Braxton Jones, KWCH
Schools: McCollom, OK, Payne, White
2:00 pm Thursday, January 23, 2020
Host: Carly Willis, KSN
Schools: Buckner, College Hill, L'Ouverture, Peterson
11:00 am Friday, January 24, 2020
Host: Pilar Pedraza, KAKE-TV
Schools: Clark, Colvin, Horace Mann, McLean
2:00 pm Friday, January 24, 2020
Host: Carol Highes, KFDI
Schools: Chisholm Trail, Enders, Franklin, Mueller
11:00 am Monday, January 27, 2020
Host: Ty Hawkins, KWCH
Schools: Bostic, Cessna, Jackson
2:00 pm Monday, January 27,2020
Host: Melissa Scheffler, KWCH
Schools: Allen, Beech, Black, Price-Harris
11:00 am Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Host: Jay Prater, KAKE-TV
Schools: Caldwell, Gordon Parks, Stanley, Washington
11:00 am Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Host: Alex Flippin, KWCH
Schools: Cleaveland, Earhart, Irving, Kensler
11:00 am Tuesday, January 22, 2019
Host: Sarah Fletcher, KWCH
Schools: Christa McAuliffe, Cleaveland, Harry Street
2:00 pm Tuesday, January 22, 2019
Host: Melissa Murray, KWCH
Schools: Anderson, Bostic, Clark, College Hill
11:00 am Wednesday, January 23, 2019
Host: Carly Willis, KSN
Schools: Enders, Franklin, Gammon, Pleasant Valley
2:00 pm Wednesday, January 23, 2019
Host: Stephanie Bergmann, KSN
Schools: McLean, Seltzer, Woodland
11:00 am Thursday, January 24, 2019
Host: Rachel Skytta, KWCH
Schools: Chisholm Trail, Isely, Washington
2:00 pm Thursday, January 24, 2019
Host: Devon Fasbinder, KWCH
Schools: Buckner, Colvin, McCollom, Peterson
11:00 am Friday, January 25, 2019
Host: Carol Hughes, KFDI
Schools: Adams, Horace Mann, Riverside, Stanley
2:00 pm Friday, January 25, 2019
Host: Pilar Pedraza, KAKE
Schools: Dodge, Gordon Parks, L'Ouverture, Price-Harris
11:00 am Monday, January 28, 2019
Host: Jim Kobbe, Spirit Aerosystems
Schools: Caldwell, Jefferson, OK, White
2:00 pm Monday, January 28, 2019
Host: Melissa Scheffler, KWCH
Schools: Black, Irving, Kensler, Woodman
11:00 am Tuesday, January 29, 2019
Host: Dr. Alicia Thompson, Wichita Public Schools
Schools: Beech, Cessna, Hyde, Jackson
11:00 am Wednesday, January 17, 2018
Host: Pilar Pedraza, KPTS
Schools: Gordon Parks, Jackson, OK, Pleasant Valley
2:00 pm Wednesday, January 17, 2018
Host: Melissa Murray, KWCH
Schools: Christa McAuliffe, Gammon, Price-Harris, McLean
11:00 am Thursday, January 18, 2018
Host: Jay Prater, KAKE
Schools: Bostic, Isely, Peterson, White
2:00 pm Thursday, January 18, 2018
Host: Carol Hughes, KFDI
Schools: College Hill, Enterprise, Franklin, Woodman
11:00 am Friday, January 19, 2018
Host: Mark Larson, KWCH
Schools: Clark, Jefferson, Riverside, Stanley
2:00 pm Friday, January 19, 2018
Host: Rachel Skytta, KWCH
Schools: Beech, Hyde, Kensler, Washington
11:00 am Monday, January 22, 2018
Host: Jim Kobbe, Spirit Aerosystems
Schools: Black, Caldwell, Irving, Seltzer
2:00 pm Monday, January 22, 2018
Host: Ted Woodward. KNSS
Schools: Adams, Cessna, Chisholm Trail, L'Ouverture
11:00 am Tuesday, January 23, 2018
Host: Devon Fasbinder, KWCH
Schools: Cleaveland, Enders, Harry Street, Horace Mann
2:00 pm Tuesday, January 23, 2018
Host: Natalie Davis, KWCH
Schools: Buckner, Colvin, Griffith
11:00 am Wednesday, January 17, 2018
Host: Pilar Pedraza, KPTS
Schools: Gordon Parks, Jackson, OK, Pleasant Valley
2:00 pm Wednesday, January 17, 2018
Host: Melissa Murray, KWCH
Schools: Christa McAuliffe, Gammon, Price-Harris, McLean
11:00 am Thursday, January 18, 2018
Host: Jay Prater, KAKE
Schools: Bostic, Isely, Peterson, White
2:00 pm Thursday, January 18, 2018
Host: Carol Hughes, KFDI
Schools: College Hill, Enterprise, Franklin, Woodman
11:00 am Friday, January 19, 2018
Host: Mark Larson, KWCH
Schools: Clark, Jefferson, Riverside, Stanley
2:00 pm Friday, January 19, 2018
Host: Rachel Skytta, KWCH
Schools: Beech, Hyde, Kensler, Washington
11:00 am Monday, January 22, 2018
Host: Jim Kobbe, Spirit Aerosystems
Schools: Black, Caldwell, Irving, Seltzer
2:00 pm Monday, January 22, 2018
Host: Ted Woodward. KNSS
Schools: Adams, Cessna, Chisholm Trail, L'Ouverture
11:00 am Tuesday, January 23, 2018
Host: Devon Fasbinder, KWCH
Schools: Cleaveland, Enders, Harry Street, Horace Mann
2:00 pm Tuesday, January 23, 2018
Host: Natalie Davis, KWCH
Schools: Buckner, Colvin, Griffith
11:00 am Tuesday, January 19, 2016
Host: Mark Larson, KWCH
Schools: Bostic, Cleaveland, Colvin
2:00 pm Tuesday, January 19, 2016
Host: Roger Cornish, KWCH
Schools: Beech, Enders, Griffith, Minneha
11:00 am Wednesday, January 20, 2016
Host: Ted Woodward, KNSS
Schools: Christa McAuliffe, Gammon, Price-Harris
2:00 pm Wednesday, January 20, 2016
Host: Devon Fasbinder, KWCH
Schools: Isely, Jackson, McLean, White
11:00 am Thursday, January 21, 2016
Host: Ross Janssen, KWCH
Schools: Black, Chisholm Trail, Clark
2:00 pm Thursday, January 21, 2016
Host: Melissa Scheffler, KWCH
Schools: Harry St., Kansler, OK, Peterson
11:00 am Friday, January 22, 2016
Host: Stephanie Bergmann, KSNW
Schools: Franklin, Irving, Jefferson, Riverside
2:00 pm Friday, January 22, 2016
Host: Cindy Klose, KWCH
Schools: Caldwell, Hyde, L'Ouverture, Woodman
11:00 am Monday, January 25, 2016
Host: Jim Kobbe, Spirit Aerosystems
Schools: Adams, Pleasant Valley, Seltzer, Stanley