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Family Resources - KCSL

Visit KCSL for Upcoming Family Trainings



No question is too big or too small when it comes to parenting. 1-800-CHILDREN is KCSL’s FREE call line, resource directory, and mobile app that offers 24/7 assistance for parents, grandparents, relatives, caregivers, and professionals in over 200 languages. Find helpful resources and supports near you by visiting or connect with a real person by calling 1-800-CHILDREN.


Circle of Parents

Parent engagement and support are essential to our mission to protect and promote the well-being of children. Circle of Parents® is a parent and caregiver led support system facilitated by trained KCSL team members. Getting involved allows parents the valuable opportunity to develop critical leadership skills and feel a sense of empowerment.

KCSL’s parent engagement coordinators help develop leadership skills in parents and caregivers through support groups, advisory councils, board meetings, conference presentations, parent cafes, parent/practitioner partnership trainings, and advocacy activities. Parent engagement coordinators work directly with parents to make sure they feel heard, supported, and empowered. Parents are given access to the resources needed to be the best parents and caregivers they can be.

For more information contact: 316-942-4261 ext. 1344


Crisis Nursery Case Management

KCSL’s Crisis Nursery offers short-term care services for children in Sedgwick County when parents are experiencing crisis or extreme stress. Crisis Nursery assists with emergency childcare when unexpected situations occur including parental or sibling illness or death; lack of utilities, food, or shelter; domestic violence; the need for drug alcohol treatment; or other emergency situations that jeopardize the safety and well-being of the child.

KCSL’s Crisis Nursery professionals work directly with parents to ensure child safety in emergency or crisis situations. The case manager will provide pre-screening and follow-up services to parents. These services include information and connection to community resources including food banks, health/wellness checks and family services (employment,
food assistance, childcare subsidies).

Program Contact: Victoria Raigosa or 316-942-4261 x1312


Family Resource Center - Kansas Children's Service League

The Wichita Family Resource Center (FRC) supports families to be healthy and successful. Building protective factors for children and families, the Wichita FRC promotes coordinated community supports and strategies to ensure families thrive.

Program Contact: Rosa Cisneros at (316) 942-4261 x1321 or


Fatherhood Support

Having engaged fathers correlates with higher levels of economic and educational achievement, career success and psychological well-being for children and teens.

KCSL provides free programs and resources that encourage dads to get involved with their families and improve their parenting skills. Classes, support groups, parent cafés, father-friendly checklists, meetings, and resources are provided by trained parent engagement staff. KCSL’s father-inclusive services provide a supportive environment where fathers can learn to be the best parent they can be.

For more information, contact: Ernest McDonald (316) 942-461 ext. 1313


Healthy Families

KCSL’s Healthy Families Kansas™ program provides free, intensive, home-based services and parenting support to qualifying pregnant mothers and parents of children ages 0-3 with certain risk factors. These risk factors include lack of parenting skills, illness, unemployment, a history of ACEs or family abuse and neglect and more. Home visitation specialists provide coaching for positive parent-child interaction, education on infant and child development and developmental screenings, community resource information and other support services.

Contact for more information: call or text Bonita Thomas (316) 208-5205


Kinship Navigator – Kansas Children’s Service League

The Kinship Navigator helps families that are caring for children that are not biologically their own. This could be a grandparent, relative, or family friend.  We help navigate families through the legal guardianship process as well as connect them with services, benefits needed to care for the children in their home and help overcome potential issues and barriers they may face. 

Program Contact:  Lola Loredo or 316-942-4261 x1328

Visit Kinship Navigator website 

Visit Kinship Navigator Facebook page


Motherhood Support

Kansas Children’s Service League invites ALL moms to talk about the ups and downs of raising kids, encourage others, & receive guidance in motherhood. Support groups offered from the comfort of your own home, via zoom or in person. Contact Chajuan at 1-877-530-5275 x1327 or email to sign up or for questions. 

Visit Motherhood Support website

Visit Motherhood Support Facebook page


Outpatient Mental Health

Kansas Children’s Service League’s Mental Health services provide strategies to children and families to help them build upon their strengths and cope with diverse problems that can occur in their lives. KCSL provides individual therapy for children and teens along with family therapy. All services are offered in a caring, supportive, and non-judgmental environment in the strictest of confidence.

Services include play therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Parent-Child Interaction Therapy, and other individual therapy methods. A comprehensive evaluation of the child’s needs is completed to develop a personalized treatment plan.

Contact OMH Program Support at 316-942-4261 for more information.


Special Needs Support

Join Kansas Children’s Service League’s support group for parents of children with special needs. Learn helpful skills, discuss relevant topics, and connect with caregivers like you. Available via Zoom on the third Monday of each month from 5:30 - 6:30 pm.

Contact Chajuan at 1-877-530-5275 x1327 or email to sign up or for questions. 

Visit KCSL's Special Needs Support website

Visit KCSL's Special Needs Support Facebook page