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Special Ed Early Childhood

What are the services?

Early Childhood Special Education services are provided to children who are found eligible and who demonstrate developmental delays. These services are for children ages three through five.  They are designed to meet the needs of pre-kindergarten students who experience significant delays in the following developmental areas:  cognitive, social-emotional, adaptive behavior, motor, or communication.

Wichita Public Schools serves the majority of its pre-kindergarten special education students through the Pre-Kindergarten Developmental Delay (PK-DD) program.

Where are these services located?

Once a child has been identified as a special education student who is in need of Developmental Delay services, the child is assigned to a school.  PK-DD services are located at 30 of the district elementary schools.  These services are designed to provide educational benefit while providing typical pre-kindergarten opportunities to the maximum extent possible.

The majority of our PK-DD students are served at the campuses listed below:

Allen Elementary

Harry Street Elementary

Anderson Elementary

Irving Elementary

Beech Elementary

Jefferson Elementary

Black Traditional Magnet

Kensler Elementary

Buckner Elementary

Lawrence Elementary

Caldwell Elementary

Linwood Elementary

Cessna Elementary

Little Early Childhood Education Center

Chisholm Trail Elementary

Minneha Elementary


OK Elementary

Cloud Elementary

Park Elementary

Colvin Elementary

Payne Elementary

Enders Elementary

Pleasant Valley Elementary

Enterprise Elementary

Spaght Elementary

Franklin Elementary

Washington Elementary

Gammon Elementary

White Elementary

Griffith Elementary

Woodman Elementary

What if my child’s unique needs can not be met in a regular PK-DD classroom?

Some children need a more specialized environment.  Wichita Public Schools does have specialized classrooms for students with significant special education needs.  These classrooms can appropriately serve students who need a structured learning environment or will meet the needs of students who have significant health and medical needs.  All of these services will be driven by your child’s Individual Education Program.

What if I still have questions or think my child may qualify?

If you have questions or think your child may qualify for one of the District’s Early Childhood Special Education classrooms, please contact Shannon Benoit either by phone at 866-8043 or through email at